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Me & jay were talking about going to the movies Then dee & sum dude walked up

Jay- sup fam *give dee dap*

Dee- wassup wassup *sitting down*

Ace- *looking at dude* u r

Dee- of dats dj

Ace-*jump up * dj boy u look different like a mf *hugging him

Dj- I know just get sexy by the day

Jay- nigga please *laugh*

Dee- where yall fine auntie

Ace- eww bruh

Dee- shii it's tru older the Better

Dj- aye *give him dap* but o got to pee fam where u go

Jay- go in those door's *point* to the right last door at the end of the hall

Dj- ight ight

I walked in the back door to see a women light skin looked about 5'4 she was finee I licked my lips she turned around and smiled

Yn- omg dj u got so big

Dj- yeah.. yeah *can't stop looking*

Yn- need anything * looking back at food*

Dj- ohh no going to the bathroom

I just watched her every moved as I made my way to the bathroom I can't believe I'm crushing on somebody mommy

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