Chapter 2: Shadows of the Knight

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"Kitt? Kitt! Look his scanner is coming back on" I heard Susan say cheerfully.

I was confused for a moment, then I realized what had happened. They must have taken me back to the foundation building and repaired me. I had to take another look.

"Where's Bonnie?" I asked.

They all had dismayed looks on their faces, then I remembered

"Kitt... She's dead." Michael said,

I took the awkward moment to observe who was around me.

Michael, Susan, Bowie, Dahlia, Sonia, and Quincy.

"How long have I been out? Forgive me for saying it like this... but Susan, you look rather... large" I commented, noticing the growth in Susan's torso.

"About five months, I'm sorry but you missed Bonnie's funeral." Dahlia answered. Her face was just as sweet and soft as I remembered it to be.


I don't get to say goodbye to her?

"Hey, it's alright though, because I found an old friend at the funeral who helped us fix you up." Michael announced.

From the hallway beside us, an old face emerged.

His skin was dark, but not insanely dark, more so the color of coffee with a bit of creamer inside of it. His hair cut short, and still wearing the signature button-down top.

"RC3!" I almost shouted, completely forgetting how loud my robotic voice could be.

"Ayyy Kitt." he said in his familiar cool tone

Just then another familiar face appeared too. Her long curly locks gave away her identity almost instantly.

"April" I spoke again, enthusiastically

"Hey Kitt! I missed you" she said softly

"It appears that the family is all here" RC said, kind of jokingly.

" I still don't entirely understand.. How did just the four of you repair me if Bonnie was the only one who had my blueprints?"

"I have them too, along with your emergency repair manual, and when Susan went through Bonnie's house to find anything that could be saved, she found her old diary. It was filled to the brim with useful information on how she would fix you. Lucky for us, These two attended her funeral, so I was able to get in contact with them to help repair you, as both of them had valuable information and training on how to repair you." Michael explained.

"And before you say it, I did sit back and relax as I watched them fix you, none of them would let me help" Susan added, knowing i would ask if she had been able to relax the past few days.

"I still don't fully understand, where did you get the parts?" I asked once more.

"Do you want the long or the short answer?" Sonia said.

"Tell me about it in its integrity." I replied.

"When he heard about your accident, the 3000 wanted to help as much as he could. He sacrificed himself to save you. He's sitting in the storage area right now, in many pieces."

I did not know what to say, I was rather surprised. I thought he hated me.

"What did you take from him?" I questioned.

"A few bits and pieces that neither of you could run without, it's alright, he wanted to help." April said in her soothing voice.

"So, how're you feeling? Are you ready to come home?" Susan asked.

"Home? You mean the apartment parking garage?"

"No, Bowie and I were in Bonnie's will to inherit her house."

"May I have a minute to myself?"

"Of course Kitt."

As they began to empty out the room, I sent Michael a ping via his com-link. He simply got the memo, because he told the rest of the group he had to use the restroom and hung behind.

"What's bugging you Kitt?" He said, kneeling down to my scanner as if he were looking me in the eyes

"Michael I- It's not fair!" I exclaimed as softly as I could.

"I know Kitt. I busted my butt trying to have you ready for her funeral. But there was only so much I could do, plus I had absolutely no clue what I was doing. " He began "Trust me, if I could , I would have had you there. She would have wanted you to be there. You were her baby. I think she loved so much more than anything in her life, even me."

"Has time travel been invented yet?" I wished.

"Kitt, you know it isn't possible. You, out of everyone here, should know that. I'm sorry Kitt, it sucks. Nobody wanted to see her go, but that's just how life is. You just have to keep living, until you die."

"Will I ever die?"

"Kitt, I honestly thought you had 'died' after we couldn't find you all those years ago. Ask Susan, I kept everything that kept you connected with me. My com-link, a ton of pictures of you, and I even had a fleck of your paint.I suppose you could die by being shut off permanently, but even then there's always the chance that someone will get curious and bring you back, like Susan"

"Michael, don't tell Susan, but, is it possible for an ai like me to be suicidal?"

"Kitt, I understand that you miss her, isn't that a little bit too much? Don't you want to see Susan's baby grow up? I'm sure she'd let you teach him basic things like mathematics, or whatever you think of"

"Michael, Bonnie was like my mother..."

He stood silent for a moment, thinking.

"Kitt, I lost my mother.."

"Really? Forgive me, but, is that why you always went after so many females?"

"I suppose you could infer that. But listen, you'll hit lows in your life, you just got to turbo boost your way through it"

"Michael, Turbo boost is not a toy"

"It was a metaphor, you know what I meant" He placed his hand right under my scanner. "You know that quote from that old sixties movie, The Love Bug?"

"You'll have to be more specific Michael, there are plenty of quotable lines from that movie."

He then quoted the movie, " They make ten thousand cars, they make them exactly the same way, but one or two of them turn out to be something special."

I Analyzed the quote for a second. Then he removed his hand.

"Are you implying that I am something special?"

"Yes Kitt, you're very special, and we all know that. But for now, I think you should help Bowie take care of Susan."

" Then taking care of her is what I shall do," I replied.

" Good, I'll let her know that you are ready to go home"

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