Chapter 7 - Old Glimmer

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Holding his Glock upright, Ishank says, "Anirudh, look over the left windows, I'll clear out the right ones. Akash, stay here and take cover."

The canteen is a two floored building with many blind spots around due to several walls and tables scattered all over the floor. The second floor is a little better since it only has counters and no seating tables. Anirudh and Ishank peek through the windows to look for any signs of danger.

Anirudh comes over along with Ishank back to the cart and Akash joins them, "All windows are clear, I think we should head inside"  

"Don't let go of our formation.", Ishank reminds the rest.

Anirudh replies, "Let's head in then"

Meanwhile, at the hostel, Pratyush is going through the security cameras one last time before going to sleep and passing on the lead to Ishan.

Pratyush thinks to himself, "I have thought of some defence arrangements. I'll make sure Ishan starts their preparation. We'll set them up once I wake up"

Pratyush stands up to leave for Ishan's room to wake him up and inform him when he notices something strange in the cameras. 

Pratyush runs down the stairs. He stops at the ground floor in front of the main gate and takes a pause. 


A look of horror surrounds Pratyush, a glaze of agony sets upon him, he starts sweating profusely when he finally builds up the courage and shouts, "ISHAN, RUN FROM HERE"

Pratyush has a habit of being extra secure and taking safety measures up a notch, a step further. He incorporated the basic trick of tucking a piece of paper in the door hinge to not miss any instance of the door opening without his knowledge. He himself saw Ishan tuck the paper in before going to sleep. But now, the paper lied on the ground in front of a closed door.

(I should run. No, I cannot leave him here. But, I already shouted and warned him, do I need to do this? It could put my life in danger. Safest way is to run out myself now, alone. I cannot put myself or my mother through this. Why do I care about anyone else? I always do this and it ends up badly for me each and every time. 

Yes, I should escape right now.)

Pratyush's journey began in the small town of Dhanbad, where he grew up in a modest household filled with love and laughter. His father, a hardworking schoolteacher, instilled in him values of honesty, integrity, and compassion from a young age. Pratyush's childhood was defined by his close bond with his parents, especially his mother, who nurtured his dreams and encouraged him to reach for the stars. His mother taught him the value of relationships, care and compassion.

However, tragedy struck when Pratyush was just entering his teenage years. His father, the pillar of their family, passed away unexpectedly due to a sudden illness, leaving Pratyush and his mother devastated and struggling to cope. Overnight, Pratyush found himself thrust into the role of the family's breadwinner, his youthful aspirations overshadowed by the weight of responsibility.

Determined to honour his father's legacy and provide for his grieving mother, Pratyush dedicated himself to his studies with unwavering diligence. Despite facing financial hardships, he excelled academically, earning scholarships and accolades that showcased his intellect and resilience. His dream of pursuing higher education and securing a stable career seemed within reach, offering a glimmer of hope amid adversity.

However, fate had more challenges in store for Pratyush. During his final year of college, he encountered a group of peers who exploited his vulnerability and coerced him into unethical behaviour. Pressured by their threats and fearing repercussions, Pratyush made a choice that went against his core values, succumbing to deceit to avoid confrontation and protect his fragile stability. This incident backed the wall of distrust between Ishank and Pratyush.

The consequences of that decision were profound and haunting. Pratyush faced disciplinary action, tarnishing his academic record and jeopardizing his future prospects. The shame and guilt weighed heavily on him, a constant reminder of his lapse in judgment and the compromises he made under duress. His scholarship was invoked.

Amidst this turmoil, Pratyush's mother's health deteriorated, her condition exacerbated by the stress and uncertainty surrounding their circumstances. The mounting medical bills and the burden of debt became overwhelming, casting a shadow of despair over Pratyush's once-promising life.

Yet, in the midst of adversity, Pratyush found strength in his mother's unwavering faith and resilience. Her unwavering belief in his goodness and potential gave him the courage to confront his mistakes and strive for redemption.

"I cannot let a small mistake harm me or my family once again. But...

Can I do this? Will my conscience allow me? My mother would never allow this. " )

"Ah, shit"

Pratyush runs up the stairs to Ishan's room and pushes it open.


"Wake up you moron, get out of the fairy-tale dream"

"No, he won't"

Pratyush rushes to look around but suddenly he feels something next to his neck.

A sudden silence take over the building. There is no source of sound at all. Fear takes over Pratyush's body as he tries to navigate what in the hell he is going through. His body begins shaking as if it isn't in his own control. This is not the first time he has come face to face with death, then why is he so sluggish.

He feels a deep and warm breath up his neck as if a tiger is standing behind him.

"Wait, something's different. 

This isn't the same noble hero I've fought before.

No, you've changed.

What have you done?"

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