Chapter One

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So Junghwan is currently staring at his crush, Watanabe Haruto. The boys are now playing basketball at the school court.

He was shocked when Asahi pat his shoulder. "Heyy... Hwanie."

"Hello, hyung. Look, the boys are playing basketball!" he said happily.

"But why don't cheer him? Scream his name?" Asahi asked.

"H-huh? I'm shy..." he said and covered his face.

"Wait, someone came to Haruto!" Asahi screamed.

He removed his hands on his face and he saw a girl offered the japanese a bottled water. But he was shocked when Haruto pushed the girl, causing the bottle to fell on the ground.

"Bro, look what you did?!" Then Yoshi came to the girl. "Are you okay?"

The girl nodded and left the court crying.

"Bro, you hurted the girl's feelings!" Yoshi said angrily.

"I don't care! I don't like those people like her who's feeling close to me."

"Oh, I know that you don't care to everyone. You only care for yourself because you're selfish!" Yoshi was about to punch the taller when Hyunsuk came between them.

"Hey, stop it! We're friends, so....stop!" Hyunsuk said.

After a few minutes, the two calm down.

"Yosh, say sorry to Haruto," Hyunsuk said to Yoshi.

Yoshi pointed his finger to himself. "What? Me? He's the one who started this!" Yoshi said, holding his pride.

"You Haru, say sorry to Yosh," Hyunsuk said to Haruto who's now rolling his eyes.

"Me? He's the older so he better know who needs to apologize..." Haruto said.

"Do you really want me to get angry to the both of you?" Hyunsuk asked, losing his patience.

The two shook their heads. "No."

"So apologize to each other," Hyunsuk commanded.

"Sorry, Haru..." Yoshi apologized.

The younger looked at Yoshi with a glare. "Sorry!" Then Haruto rolled his eyes.

Junghwan and Asahi are watching the scene between the three and the other players.

"Do you think that Haruto is sincere?" Asahi asked to Junghwan who's now shocked for what Haruto just did.

"I don't know, hyung..." Junghwan said, sighing.

"Is that one of your standards? I mean... that kind is your ideal type?"

"Of course, not! But he's my crush!" Junghwan replied.

"But look at his attitude," Asahi looked at Haruto who's now looking at Yoshi with anger in his eyes. "He's bad. He don't care at all!"

Junghwan smiled at Asahi. "Don't you know that I can change someone's attitude even if he's really bad?"

Asahi rolled his eyes. "Let's see..."

Promise, I will change your bad personality into a good one...


Choi Hyunsuk is currently cooking noodles for them when Yoshi came to him and said, "Let me help you, hyung."

He smiled. "Okay. Help me clean the dishes." He looked at Haruto who's busy typing on his phone while sitting on the sofa in the living room. "I know that you two are not okay. But please, can you give up your pride? I'm not happy seeing my two friends in that state."

"I already give up my pride, hyung. But Haruto didn't. I know you're his closest friend, can you please help me?" Yoshi replied.

He nodded. "Sure. Don't worry." Then Yoshi smiled.


So Junghwan is currently on the school's waiting area when Asahi came to him. "Good morning, Hwanhwan..."

"Morning too, hyung..." he replied.

He heard the message alert tone on his cellphone. He looked at the screen and read the text.

: Morning darling, you forgot your lunch box

Junghwan< (YOU)
Oh my...sorry eomma :
I'll just go to the cafeteria :

: Don't worry darling, I'll go to your school and give you this😊
: What time is your lunch break?

Junghwan< (YOU)
Thanks, eomma :
Saranghae❤ :
Exact twelve noon :

: Noted, darling. Twelve noon
: Love love❤❤

"Who's that?" Asahi asked.

"It's mom. He texted me because I forgot my lunch box," he replied.

"Aww... look! The three boys are there!" Then Asahi pointed on the school corridor. Junghwan looked up and he saw Haruto busy typing on his phone while smiling. Haruto? Smiling? This is the very first time he saw Haruto smiled.

"It's your time to scream his name! This is the right time for him to know that you're existing."

Asahi-hyung is right, it's the right time for him to know that I exists...

He began jumping while waving both of his hands. "Ruto-ya! Hey look at me I love you so much!!!" He screamed.

The two looked at them except Haruto. He saw that Hyunsuk pat the younger's shoulder. But the japanese glared at him with anger in his eyes.

That made him stop on what he's doing. He's afraid that Haruto will do what he did to the girl yesterday. And if he do that, it will hurt him more. He know that the two is looking at him. He found himself crying.

"Are you okay." Asahi asked, holding his shoulder.

He nodded. "Y-yeah, hyung. I'm fine..." he said and wiped the tear on his cheeks.

Asahi nodded. "Okay, let's go," Asahi said with a comforting smile.

He nodded and they walk downstairs and enter the classroom.


"Awww... he's crying..." Hyunsuk said with a pout.

"Haru... don't you even noticed him? If I were you, I'll wave my hands and smile..." Yoshi said.

"Then court him, I won't stop you," then Haruto rolled his eyes.

"You're so bad, Watanabe Haruto! Can you please stop?" Hyunsuk said.

"Don't bother me, hyungs. I'm chatting with my baby..." Haruto said while typing on his phone.

"Awww... that is Park Jeongwoo, right?" Hyunsuk asked.

Haruto nodded. "Yeah."

"Awww... so cuteee..." Hyunsuk reacted.


Junghwan sat beside his seatmate, Kim Junkyu. "Morning, Junkyu-hyung!"

"Same to you, Junghwan!" Junkyu replied. "Wait," then Junkyu scanned his face. "You cried?"

"N-no, hyung. I-I just sneezed many...many times so..." then he smiled.

"Okay. But if you have a problem, just say it to me," then Junkyu smiled.

He nodded. "Yes, hyung."

He was shocked when the three boys entered the classroom. He automatically covered his face using his notebook.

"What are you doing? Junkyu asked.


a/n: tada! It's the very...very first part. Hope you feel for them too! Thank you for reading💙


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