Chapter Three

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What?!! Apologize to Junghwan? Hell! But if it's the only way to survive their friendship, why not? It's so easy to apologize...

Haruto (YOU)<
Okay, hyung :
I'll do that tomorrow :

Then he lay on the bed while thinking on how to say sorry to Junghwan.


So Junghwan is currently sitting in the cafeteria. He's thinking on how to forget his feelings for Haruto. It's so hard to move on... but Asahi is right. After a few months, he's sure that he is finally healed.

When he left the cafeteria, he saw Hyunsuk and Haruto standing on the room's door.

"Excuse me..." he said.

"Wait..." Haruto said to him that made him turn his head back.

"What?" He asked.

"I-I just...want to apologize for what happened yesterday..." Haruto replied.

He felt his eyes wants to release tears again. Asahi came to him, drawing circles on his back. "D-don't worry. Apology accepted..." then he get Asahi's hand and he sat down on his chair.


"I like what you did earlier," Hyunsuk said. These three boys are currently sitting on the school court.

"So... we're friends again?" Haruto asked, smiling.

Hyunsuk nodded. "Of course."

He was shocked when Haruto hug him. "Thank you, hyung! Promise, I won't do it again! Promise!"

He laughed. "Of course... we're friends..."

"But how about me?" Yoshi asked.

Haruto stood up and hug Yoshi. "I love you, hyung. I'm so sorry..."

"Haha... it's's okay..." he replied.

Hyunsuk stood up and hug the two and they all laughed while jumping.


"Hyung, do you really think he's sincere?" Junghwan asked to Asahi and Junkyu who's now eating noodles.

"I don't know. But at least, he apologized," Asahi replied.

"Asahi is right. I didn't know that he can say 'sorry' to someone," Junkyu said.


"Hey, hyungs! Let's come at my baby Jeongwoo's house. I'll visit him," Haruto said to Hyunsuk on the phone.

"I'm so s-sorry, Haruto but I need to finish my school works. Ask Yoshi to join you," Hyunsuk suggested.

"I texted him earlier but he's busy too..." he said with a pout.

He heard that Hyunsuk sighed. "You can go yourself. You can do that,  fighting!"

He smiled. "Okay...okay. Bye!" Then he ended the call.


Watanabe Haruto parked his motorcycle and walk towards the gate and click the doorbell. Jeongwoo ran and opened the gate. "Come in..."

When he finally entered the house, Haruto wrapped his arms around Jeongwoo's waist. "I miss you, baby..."

"H-Haru...stop!" Jeongwoo said.

"Why?" He asked.

"I-I'll give you a juice. Okay?" Then Jeongwoo walk towards the kitchen.

He sat on the couch but he was shocked when he heard the message alert tone on Jeongwoo's phone. He automatically get it and look at their conversation.

: I love you but...

Jeongwoo (YOU)<
But I love you more than Haru... :

: Really? You love me more than your boyfriend?!!

Jeongwoo (YOU)<
Of course! Give me some time to say : it to him 

: Okay. But for now, let's keep our relationship a secret...

Jeongwoo (YOU)<
I love you my Chi❤❤ :

: I love you too, Woo. But I hope this will not affect our friendship😢

Friendship? His friend? So it would be... Yoshi?

He was shocked when Jeongwoo stole the cellphone from him. "What are you doing?"

"Who's that 'Chi' huh? Is he my friend?" He ask with anger.

"I-I'm just waiting for the right time but..."

"Right time?" Then he laughed. "When?"

"Haru.... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry but I'm not happy on our relationship because I found myself happier with him," Jeongwoo said, not answering his question.

"Who is that guy, huh? Is that Yoshi-hyung?" He asked.

Jeongwoo shook his head. "No! He's not your friend!"

"Stop protecting him from me!" He shouted.

"I'm not protecting him! And I won't say his name to you because I don't want you to hurt him," Jeongwoo explained.

"I can't promise you that because he stole you from me. It hurts me a lot..." then he found himself crying. He's hurt. He didn't know that Jeongwoo cheated on him. He wants to live with this man who's standing infront of him right now, but...

"Leave!" Jeongwoo yelled. "Leave!"

"Okay, fine!" Then he left the house and drive home.


So Junghwan is currently doing his homeworks when he heard his cellphone ringing. He look at the screen, it's unknown number.

"H-hello....who's this?" He asked when he answered the call.

"I-It's Haru...."

Haru? "Where did you get my number?" He asked curiously.

"I get it from Hyunsuk-hyung because I really need you right now..." the japanese explained.

Really? The japanese needs him?

He frowned. "Why don't you call your friends so they can help you in your situation?"

"But you're a friend right?" Haruto asked.

"Ask someone to help you!" Then he ended the call.

He sighed.


After making his homework, Junghwan cleaned all the mess. He was about to turn off the lights when he heard someone knocking on the door. Who is this person? He opened the door and he was shocked when Haruto fell on him. "Hey, are you drunk?" He asked.

He put his arms to his shoulder and hold his waist. Then he put him on the sofa.

"Hyung, why are you here?" He asked, disgusted.

"I said that I need you, right? But you didn't come. That's why I came here," Haruto said with a laugh.

He smelled alcohol. "You're drunk, right?" He asked.

"Yeah... b-because I have a very...very big problem..." the japanese answered.

"What?! What problem?" He asked. "Wait for me, I'll get you some water," then he go to the kitchen.

He put the glass of water on the center table but when he looked at Haruto, he's sleeping peacefully. He's really drunk.

What is his problem? He think that this is a very...very big problem. Is Hyunsuk and Yoshi involve here?

a/n: annyeong everyone! Thanks for your warm support! I really appreciate it😊


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