Truck-kun Strikes Again?!

40 6 13

TW: Mentions of sui*ide and death, heavy injuries, and blood.


"-If you're a fan of the strange, dark, and mysterious in story format-"

"Oh bitch, you know I am." I took a sip from my drink, feeling the lethal amounts of liquid caffeine buzzing through my veins and dripping down my chin. I needed to be as alert as possible, especially since the road was a bit frosty and I was driving damn near 100mph/169kph. It was that time of year when road hazards like that were becoming as common as Christmas commercials.

I leaned forward in my seat (once again patting myself on the back for splurging on those nice Purple seat cushions) with a sigh. The heater was valiantly trying to keep the bitter Winter chill at bay, but the broken and bullet-hole-riddled windows had caused all the warmth to be sapped away. But hey, at least it wasn't snowing! If there was one thing I despised other than long-ass loading dock times, it was driving through a wintry hellscape of snow, ice, and traffic. But alas, that was simply one of the drawbacks of being a truck driver.

Driving a truck for a living wasn't an occupation I thought I'd have growing up, but life had an inconvenient habit of throwing curve balls at you. It was a job not many thought highly of, often being the butt of other "low tier" job jokes like being a janitor or working at a fast-food place.

Despite the stigma though, I felt that it was one of the better jobs that I've had in the past. Of course, a life on the road eating fast food, going a day or two (or three) without a shower, and having a non-existent sleep schedule wasn't ideal, but it was manageable. Honestly, it wasn't much different from what I was doing in college, but instead of going into crippling debt, I was getting paid a livable wage!

All in all, life was pretty good! Hell, and if I weren't currently being chased down by a group of hired mercenaries, assassins, bounty hunters, and cops on a deserted highway, I would even say it was great!

Keeping a white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel, I managed to narrowly avoid a car trying to ram itself into the left side of me by sharply turning right. Haha! Gotta be quicker than that asshole!

I ducked as bullets went flying over my head and hit the back of my seat instead. Aww mother FUCKER! Those Purple cushions weren't cheap dammit!

I could hear somebody cursing at me through a megaphone in Russian, but the marvelous narration skills of MrBallen had miraculously managed to drown it out. Meh, I'm sure whatever that guy was saying was much less interesting than the story he was currently telling anyway.

Okay, okay. Now I'm sure you guys are wondering how I managed to find myself in this little... predicament. I mean, it's not every day that one finds themselves getting shot at in a high-speed car chase!

You know, seeing your life flash before your eyes didn't really play out like it did in the movies. You didn't see every moment of it, nor even your greatest or worst ones. Rather, you just saw the series of unfortunate events that led up to your current and last situation.

Memories of the past few months were coming back to me in involuntary waves. Perhaps my mind, in a bid to regain some sanity, was trying to pinpoint the moment when everything went horribly wrong. To find out the catalyst for this madness and figure out what I did to deserve this.

Well, the answer to that was pretty simple. Laughably so in a morbid, dark-humor way.

Because this chaotic end to my life all started with the end of another's on that innocuous September night...

Mx. Truck Driver's Heart-Pounding Road Trip of DEAT- er, I mean- LOVE~!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ