Chapter 7-Part 1.

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"Gopal rao shant ho , me sangte sagla bas zala atta , tumhala atta andhar nako thevyala . Taya bayecha aplya ya wadayshi , yatlaya lokanshi ani kasa kar Appa ani Anna shi khup motha samadha ahe——–(Gopal.... I will tell everything now, now i don't want to keep all of you in dark . That lady has strong relation with this mansion , these people and specially with Appa and Anna—–)". Everyone fall silent and Savitri bai started to narrate the past of that lady "Taya bayech nav ha Sarita. Te Anna chi pahile bayel asa (Her name is Sarita and she was First wife of Anna)" Everyone fall silent but "Kaya zala ticha sobt ki ti ya wadaycha vaitavr uthali asa? (What was happened to her that she is against all of us?)" Jyodeni said and Savitri bai started .

Time when Anna and Sarita were married.

1 year 5 months were completed for the marriage of Anna and Sarita. 1st year of their marriage was great but after some time villagers started to talk about this Sarita bai that she is not good woman and she had destroyed lots of families and people were also talking about Desai family. At that time Anna as knowing all this things he tried to convince her as well as begged her, but she was frim on her behaviour and continued to do so . Well now Anna was suffering and was not able to take any action against her because he was the son of Appa's Worker whom Appa Loved as his brother and promised him that he take care of Anna before Father of Anna death due Heart attack when Anna was only of 7 years and Sarita was Daughter of Appa . Appa Already liked Anna hence he decided that Anna will be the best husband for Sarita and Sarita Also Agreed , well Sarita's mother died due pregnancy while the birth of their second child , but thing was that not only Sarita's mother was died but also that baby , Hence Sarita was Favourite of Her Father Appa , he loved her alot and he Doesn't want her to leave her so he choiced Anna as his son-in-law , because he was favourite of Appa.

Everything was well but this behaviour of Sarita was only known to Anna and he never told this to Appa because Appa was in not that condition to hear all this things hence he has always Shown that everything was fine between them While Sarita was taking advantage of this thing and was blackmailing him that if he said any word to Appa,then she will Kill Appa and will leave Anna on street for begging. Anna was quiet just for Appa and For the sake of Desai family. This drama took worst turn when Sarita and Mr. Jau ji were caught red hand by Mr. Jau ji's wife. Mr.Jau ji he was Advisor of Appa and was close Friend of Appa. We can say that Appa made his life and gave name, fame and money. Wife of Mr.Jau ji was daughter Appa's Well Known Lawyer Mr. Jagnath ji.

She Came at home with holding the Hand of Sarita and dragging Sarita from the road , when they reached home she called Appa and Anna and pushed Sarita on stairs of Wada and said that "Tumhi Astala Desai ya gava che mhun Ya bayeche Teher me sahan karnar nahye, Mala Appa ani Anna tumcha shi kahi tarks nahye mala taraks ha to ya baye she(Sarita) , Hen kiti tri ghar modli hayet atta tila kabij theva nahiye trr amhi (Villagers) Melun tila dagdane thechun marun taku,Haya maza ani ya gavkaracha shevta cha shadkosh asa(You might be Desai of this village that doesn't means that we will accept any thing . I don't have any problem with you Appa and Anna , I have problem with Sarita, she had destroyed lots of families and now keep her under control otherwise we all villagers will kill her and this is my last warning. )" Saying this she start to walk back towards her house and here Sarita was Pissed off , as she started to walk towards her Appa ordered his servants to catch her and to lock her in their empty store room and they did so. Anna was convincing Appa not to do so but Appa didn't listen to him and locked her in empty store room . She was locked in room for 6 months and was living on liquid like water and juice. No-one was allowed to talk to her and kept keys of room with him.

End of Chapter 7-Part 1.

Okay we got the her name and relation with Anna and Appa....But what worng did they did to her?And did villagers killed her?.......To Know stay tunned!!

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