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Ignore my mistake;

Tears of gold by faouzia,I am obsessed with this song.


"Did you carl"when jungkook didn't get any response he again shouted at the male.

" now see what jeon can do" with a smirk jungkook again spoke not leaving the eye contact with other one.


It was already evening and Taehyung was at home now laying on his bed.

He was from a simple family, he wasn't expected much from his life but Somewhere he had stored his dreams.

He was on his resting phase when a unknown sound made him WAKE up from his lovely and precious sleep.

And it was none other than a device a telephone was vibrating and the caller was one of his friend from his circle.


The name of the caller was odd just like the friend of him.

With the sleep in his eyes he pick up the call not opening his eyes as he recognize the person by ringtone.

"How was your day" the other one from the line spoke and Taehyung reply was just short just like his friend on the call "as everyone."

Taehyung didn't talk much,he wanted to finish his dinner as soon as possible and wanted to have a good sleep till tomorrow morning.


Success isn't easy its requirements are much more and one is to sacrifice sleep,just like jeon jungkook who is working even the moon is above is head but he didn't drew to his mansion.

Cause he never want to go.

He never desire to go home.

Some part of him wanted to digest cofee at that moment at the thought of cofee made him remind the new employee of his and after the thought of it anku one thing can be heard in his head and that was handsome.

Well that thing was true no one can deny that fact.

Taehyung was trying to adjust his eyesight on the flashing sun rays in early morning.

When he opened his eyes the first thing catch his eyes was clock and the time it was showing make him roll and eventually fall from the bed.

"Awwwwwwwww" he scream his lungs out in the pain but what he can do now,he have to got up and get ready but in this scream his mom
Came up to his room with a speed of light.

"My heart was going to stop how can you scream like that hn " his mother was scolding him now but he was busy in getting ready for work.


Jeon jungkook was revising some of his files,with the same long face while a strand of his long black hair was falling on his face and making his hand to do MORE work.

A  knock disturbed him and he just said you can come to the PERSON at the door of his cabin.

"Your cofee with no whipped cream,no sugar and iced  as you like"
Jungkook didn't look towards the PERSON who came but After hearing the voice he look up and towards his new employee with cup of coffee.

He was felling as it was a taunt for him but he didn't said anything while the other put the cup on the table and muttering something with himself and it didn't get unnoticed by other.

With that Taehyung took his leave from the cabin of his boss.


The time of workers leaving the office was near when Taehyung' phone start to ring.


He received the call while he was making coffee for his head of department in the office.

"I will be waiting for you at the club"

After hearing what his bestfriend said Taehyung wanted to run as he didn't remember the thing.

Now how he going to get ready as there were going for a party at the club.

He did his work in a hurry in order to leave for home and afterwards to the party.


Taehyung was walking in a dim coloured light area not recognizing the people around him.

Taking his steps slowly not wanting to bump on anyone his eyes fall on his friend circle.

"You are late dude" that was his friend jhope who complained to him.

"You know I go to a company" that wasn't  a reply but just pulling the leg of his friend.

The alcohol was at its peak.

Making them loose their mind.

Taehyung didn't knew how much he consume the alcohol,he was already seeing blur and loosing his mind.

Well They wanted to relax.

The night was leaving and the sun was peeking through the mountains.

Taehyung was sleeping in a compy bed with white blanket and cushion .

His head wasn't good the pain was at its peak not letting jim open his eyes properly.

He don't remember how he ended up here,he have to ask his friends now how he was in the room all alone.

He slide the blanket from his body and waking up from the bed leaving towards the washroom in order to get fresh.

What took his attention While opening the door of washroom was a conscious ring in his ring finger sinning brightly.


I Hope you will ignore my mistakes

I know this CHAPTER was boring but trust me now it will be intresting jut want your support.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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