I headed toward the Prince to make an introduction that would allow him to begin sculpting his impression of me, and if I was being honest I was confident in my abilities to make that impression good and lasting because I had years of practice.
When I stopped in front of him I expected him to look up but he didn't, which had my lips moving to form words.
"Essam, did they leave?" Prince Amanté asked, interrupting me, and I was surprised by how soft his voice was. It was like he was tired, but still used the energy he had left to speak.
"We didn't," I informed him while announcing my presence, which had him averting his eyes from the page he was currently on.
"You're not Essam." He noted, his orbs quickly running over me.
"Is that a bad thing?" I replied questioningly, but he shook his head causing his black shoulder length locs to follow his movements like a child trailing their mother.
"No, it's not."
"Can I take a seat?"
He nodded instantly like he had been hoping for me to ask that question, and this observation dragged a slight smile on my lips as I lowered my body against the couch, resting my injured vessel and tired feet.
"Are you Essam's friend?" Prince Amanté questioned me, while continuing our eye contact that seemed to capture his attention like the book he had been reading, and I shook my head at his query, which allowed the realisation that he didn't recognise me to wash over my mind.
"You...you sound like a Sejlkyian, did you come with Queen Carlisiann?" He inquired.
"I did."
"Oh." He breathed out softly, but my ears managed to catch the answering sound, which only yanked my brows together in a questioning manner to his response.
"What? Aren't you happy about her arrival?" I questioned him, and this had him breaking our lingering eye contact as he redirected his gaze back to the book he had been reading so intently earlier.
"I'd rather not talk about her with her citizen." He admitted softly before falling quiet, but I wasn't going to allow this silence to last.
"What are you reading?" I inquired, permitting my curious tone to greet his ears.
"Beginner's Guide To Learning Kowonam." Prince Amanté revealed and it was impossible for my smile to not widen at his confession.
"Are you trying to impress her?" I asked and my question only seemed to make him blush in embarrassment, like he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
"I wanted to greet her in her own language so she could feel welcomed, do you think it's too much?" He queried as he closed the dull red book, before placing it on top of the other books that stood on the dark brown coffee table, which I guessed he also picked out because they were all guides to learn Kowonam.
His question told me he was oblivious to how considerate his actions were, because I knew he didn't have to take time out of his day to learn a language in a matter of hours, but he still chose to do it.
"I think it's thoughtful," I confessed, causing his soft eyes to meet mine, and I caught a slight expression of disbelief in them before he used his words to express this emotion.
"Do you really think that? Or are you trying to ease my embarrassment?"
"I really think that," I assured him, and I watched as my words comforted his troubled mind since his aura was much more relaxed.
"Can I practise with you?" He inquired and I offered him a nod.
"Sure, I have time."
"Keep in mind that I've only been learning it for an hour."
I nodded with a small grin.
"I will."
I watched as he cleared his throat and licked his lips before speaking.
"Ja, aie von'k éla." He voiced in Kowonam and I had to say his accent sounded more Lvaiekian than Sejlkyian, but that was a given considering he didn't grow up in my land, though despite this fact he said everything clearly and correctly.
Hi, it's nice to meet you.
"That wasn't bad for a beginner, but when you meet the queen I suggest you use Jakko, it's the formal way of saying hello," I told him and he smiled gently.
"Thank you and I'll keep that in mind." He expressed.
"You're welcome."
"If you do not mind me asking, why did you come to the library?" He questioned me and I let out a chuckle at his question.
"To read, obviously," I remarked, pulling a small grin from him.
"I meant what book did you come in search of?" He inquired, fixing his ask.
"I'm actually here to learn your language," I informed him.
"Then I wish you luck."
I smiled slightly to show my gratitude as his eyes drifted down to the tree-like watch on his wrist.
"I would love to stay and chat...but I need to get a few things done before dinner," He announced and I gave him a nod to show him I understood.
"It was nice to meet you," I confessed, tugging a smile on his lips as he stood.
"Likewise, goodbye."
He gave me an awkward wave that had me smiling because it reminded me of my own mannerisms a few years ago when it came to socialising with people. Amanté soon headed towards the door where Essam and Layne stood, talking quietly, but soon their conversation was interrupted by him, which resulted in Essam leaving and this had Layne making her way toward me.
"I trust you both had a good time?" Layne asked as I stood, carrying my body to the thousands of bookshelves that held millions of books I wouldn't mind reading.
"I guess you can say that, but he didn't know it was me," I admitted and this appeared to surprise her.
"How come neither of you recognized the other? I thought royals went to a bunch of gatherings and mingled amongst themselves."
"I haven't attended a royal gathering since I was a child. I usually send my royal advisor, Ghalen, in my stead." I explained.
"That will have to change if you wish to marry Prince Amanté, your grace." She told me and I offered her a nod.
"I know. By the way, is there anywhere in the palace I can get a dress for dinner?" I questioned her as my fingers ran over the books with a fascination for each.
"Why not wear what you already have on?"
"I thought the aim was to impress Prince Amanté's parents," I stated, gaining a slight grin.
"You make an excellent point, your highness. I could have one of the maids get you a dress from the palace's boutique or I could make you a dress?"
My brows furrowed at this.
"Wouldn't that take a while?" I asked, knowing how long it normally took my dressmaker to finish a gown for me.
"Not if I use magic." She announced.
"We can discuss that later, but for now I need you to show me where the 'Beginner's Guide To Learning Naylope' is." I requested.
"Follow me."

Queen Carlisiann (BWBM)
FantasyIn the realm of Xolo stands a powerful queen descending from the royal bloodline of Sejlky whose heart is half-frozen, Queen Carlisiann. With the title comes the bearing of the curse placed upon her people, one that dooms them to the loss of their m...