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"That took more time than I expected." I expressed after finally choosing the cake I wanted for the wedding.

"This was nothing, my cake tasting lasted three days." Kesis disclosed as she wiped down the counter that Ghalen was leaning against as he slept. She made a great effort not to wake him.

"Three days?" I questioned her in surprise, and she nodded.

"I had to find the right one." She stated with a reminiscing smile as she approached the sink in order to rinse out the cloth, "So how do you plan on wearing your hair for the wedding?"

"An afro maybe or some cornrows." I answered, touching my hair that was current in two puffs.

"An afro sounds lovely, we could add all sorts of decorations to it like red roses to match your dress."

Her words had me nodding in agreement, "My thoughts exactly."

"Your hair is so beautiful." She complimented after glancing at my hair that was currently shrunken.

"Thank you." I voiced, appreciating her kind words.


"I was planning on braiding it to the side, but I'm feeling a little worn out from all the eating."

"I could do it for you." She offered, surprising me.

"You wouldn't mind?"

"I wouldn't mind at all, Amanté doesn't let me in his hair anymore, I don't see Shamari enough to do his and Marin keeps his hair short." She admitted, seeming excited as she placed the cloth on the counter before washing her hands thoroughly.

"I'm happy I could scratch the itch." I stated, placing my body in the nearest chair which allowed her to begin the process.

"Your hair is healthy, your hair is strong, your hair is easy to manage." She affirmed while I used my element to mould a pick that I handed to her as she used her element to wet my hair to avoid breakage and make the process easier.

"So was Amanté's hair always locked?" I inquired with closed eyes and a relaxed body that was caused by her actions to gently and carefully comb my ends.

"No, he decided to loc it about two years ago." Kesis notified me, which pulled another query from me.

"Would you ever lock yours?"

"I've thought about it once or twice, but it's already hard enough fighting the urge to pull out my braids and twist when I miss my fro so imagine if I got locs."

"I know what you mean." I expressed knowingly because I stayed like that.

Soon we fell quiet which allowed her to begin braiding my hair to the side and she was surprisingly gentle and caring as she would ask me if it was too tight or if I was okay.

"Kesis I—" Marin started, entering the kitchen but he halted his words when his eyes took in the view we were giving him, "My bad, I didn't know you were busy."

"It's alright my love, what did you need?" She inquired, not stopping her actions of braiding.

"It can wait." He assured her while stepping deeper into the kitchen, sparing Ghalen, who was still sleeping, an amused look before taking a seat next to his wife who was standing.

"I think you have reawakened my baby fever Carlisiann." Kesis announced, pulling a chuckle from me that was mostly caused by Marin's surprise.

"And who are you going to have that with?" He questioned her, only earning a light laugh.

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