01:The sacrifice

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A little lamb is led up to a sacrifice spot by two cultists. As he walks slowly, the two cultist behind him poke his back with the tip of their swords everytime he slows down.

The lambs eyes dart around, the sound of the metal chains that bind his wrists together ring his ears.

He slowly stops at the sacrifice spot, looking down at the big pentagram painted onto the floor with a red substance before looking up at the four bishops, seeing all their eyes staring down at their new sacrifice.

The lambs pupils dilate as he hears the booming voice of the second bishop.
"before us stands the last of its kind. All others we have hunted down and put to the blade." Heket says

Leshy continues what heket was saying "the heretic who lies bound below will be condemned to eternal captivity."

Shamura cuts him off "and the old faith shall be preserved."

The two cultists hold the lamb down, his fearful eyes look up as a big hunky cultist walks over with an axe, lifting the axe over his shoulder and bringing it down swiftly, quickly ending his life.

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