04:the guide

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As the lamb continues on, he sees a little unguarded spot with a tent and a small fire on a bundle of sticks.

He carefully approaches it. "hello?" a voice from behind says, the lamb quickly turns around and points the tip of his blade at the intruder, only seeing an old rat that has a scar on his right eye.

"WOAH! Fear not, young one! I am ratau. I was once a chosen vessel like you but those days are lost to the winds. I was sent to guide you, we are deep in the lands of the old faith"

The lamb slowly lowers his blade, ratau smiles a little before continuing.
"My instructions are to lead you to safety, continue through the woods, escape lies ahead. I will be close by."

Ratau is about to give the lamb a little head pat before his hand retracts back and he quickly walks away.

The lamb, now a little more comfortable, walks confidently through the forest but still has his guard up.

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