teenage dream pt.1

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(the song is just an inspiration, do not expect the plot to match the lyrics word by word lmao)

song: teenage dream by stephen dawes

"You and I will be young forever

Cause you make me feel like

I'm living a teenage dream"

Part 1


"Alaina, dinner is ready, be down in five!"




"Lena, stop being a baby and reply to your mother."


The worn out tennis ball missed her hands after hitting the wall as Alaina craned her neck towards the door. Her father was leaning against the doorframe, a tone of finality in his words and eyes.

"I don't want to eat," she mutters before shouting across the house to her mother in the kitchen, "I'M NOT HUNGRY."

Her eyes tracked her father's movements as he rubbed his nose where his glasses were usually perched and sighed. She turned her stare towards the ceiling, the dark blue surface with glow-in-the-dark stickers of moon and stars threatening to fall off. She remembered how she admired them for hours at end when they were first put up there on her seventh birthday.

From the corner of her eyes, she could see him bending and picking up the ball from where it had rolled away from the bed. He turned it around in his hand, "You can't blame her, you know? She is just looking out for you."

Alaina took a deep breath and turned towards the wall, folding her arms under her head and cacooning like a baby.

Her father took the hint and silently closed the door, slightly muttering a good night and it was understood that he would convince her mother to not disturb her for the rest of the night.

Whatever the problems were, they would be dealt by the future her. Current her just wanted to be sad and alone with her thoughts.

Well, not exactly. 

Sad for sure, but not alone.

Her eyes closed tightly as her mind replayed the day's events. How after weeks of being on the receiving end of sneaky glances and dangerously flirty remarks, she finally decided to throw it back to him.

How his eyes widened when she sent a wink in his direction after getting eyerolls all this time.

How his hands raised slightly in her direction, as if to feel and know for himself if she was real.

How he stopped and kept them low out of fear or ruining the moment he had been waiting for, dreaming of, all this time.

But she knew how real it was and she wanted him to know as well, so she raised her hands instead. Their fingers brushed against the other's and a slight jump of heartbeat was shared between the two.

He wondered if it was true, if he could dare to believe that she was as much into this- into him- as he was gone for her.

Zachary Cooper. 

Oh dear Zack.

They had stayed transfixed in the parking lot for a whole of five minutes before Alaina withdrew her hand and bit her lip nervously. Not a single action of hers missed Zack's attention and all of it drove him crazy. 

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