teenage dream pt.2

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Part 2

(this part is in first person pov, lmk if i should edit it to third person or let it be)

Zack and I didn't say a word until we reached the neighbourhood park.

I trudged towards the old swingset which had been there since I was in elementary school and miraculously not given away yet. Zack followed behind me, uncharacteristically quiet other than the rustling of leaves as he walked.

Neither of us attempted to break to break the silence while I busied myself with settling on the swing and trying to get a steady pace. I expected him to  do the same with the other swing on my left but he stood by my other side, watching me go back and forth.

I allowed myself to shamelessly check him out as well and noticed he had the same clothes on as this morning in school- a plain beige hoodie with a denim jacket on top of it and jeans. 

Simple... but cute.

I glanced at my clothes quickly to realise I hadn't changed either, still in the crop top and jeans as morning. I left my jacket at home though.

My eyes wandered from his hands tucked into his pockets to his posture as he casually leaned against the pole of the swingset, moving downwards as I noticed him crossing his legs to support his stance and I realised how hyper-aware I was of his every action. 

I could not stop myself though as a sudden motion grabbed my attention. His hand reached upwards to push back his already messed up hair. He had once told me about his fear of height when we had ended up on the ferris wheel together; he had been constantly playing with his hair while we were at the top- he was nervous then. 

Was he nervous now?

It was an indication that it was not just me who was shy to bring up what happened earlier today. It might have been an insignificant matter to anyone else, I mean all I did was just barely touch his hands. It could have been by mistake as well.

I could even play it off as a mistake right now.

But I didn't want to.

I wanted him to know that I'm as crazy about him as he claims to be for me. That our late night conversations and the time spent together in and out of tutoring in the last two months were the most treasured moments of my high-school life so far. My friends might kill me for saying so but it wouldn't change the fact that it is true.

I loved spending time with my friends but the things Zack made me want to do, the things he made me feel...

Yeah, there was no doubt.

And I wanted him to have the same clarity as I carried, he deserved to know how I truly felt because he didn't miss a chance in the past week or so to let me know how badly he had fallen for me.

I thought it was a joke but he really meant it, or atleast I hoped he did.

So I slowed the swing to a gradual stop. I would have missed him standing up a tiny bit straighter if all of my senses weren't completely focused on him. I wondered how to begin the conversation, just because I had the motive didn't mean I found the courage to jump right into it.

"I'm so dead once I get back home,"

His eyebrows furrowed, expecting something else perhaps, but he quickly gathered himself. "It won't be that bad, you just snuck out and it's not like they don't know who you're with."

"Them knowing who I'm with kind of adds to the problem actually..."

A moment of silence passed as he processed my words.

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