Chapter 1 : Bus Ride

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POV : Axel  

I was sitting on a bus heading to my new school.

ANHS, an elite school which bragged about its 100% employment rate, it was well known to produce popular people of importance, politicians, businessmen, investors and scammers.

The bus would rattle over every bumpy part of the road, the people gradually kept increasing and soon all the seats were occupied. I had closed my eyes, resting up in preparation of the upcoming social interactions.

The bus stopped a few times and I opened my eyes to see a office lady arguing with a blonde haired well built teen.

"Don't you think you should give up your seat ? " said the office lady

"Oh, it seems that I have attracted the attention of the fairer sex, tell my what do need of a perfect existence like myself ? "

"Huh? You should give up your seat to the old lady there, this is a priority seat."

Priority seats meant nothing, after all it was just a seat on a bus , the teen has no reason to get up from it except out of the kindness of his heart. A seat is a seat, she would have a better chance by asking the entire bus if someone was willing to give up their seat.

Of course the boy said the same thing leaving the woman angry and irritated, the office lady swallowed up the irritation and sent an apologetic towards the grandma, her legs were shaking as the bumps didn't help her stand.

Taking mercy on the old lady I stood up attracting the attention of the entire now silent bus as I walked up to the grandma and gently led her to my now emptied seat. 

The young may be the one to continue the legacy of the old and its true that the young will surpass the achievements of the old, it wouldn't be possible in the first place if the elderly didn't sacrifice their lives, sweat, blood, and tears to build the nations as they are.

The office lady sent me a very grateful look and the grandma thanked me for my actions. Soon things started to normalized, not before the blond haired teen gave me a weird laugh.

I watched out the window as the banners of  "Equality" protests showed up along the streets. Equality is a fickle thing, every action, every choice and every moment one's worth changes. A persons worth determines their value. If two people, lets say a doctor and a released criminal were taken hostage, the government would put in more efforts to save the doctor.

"Thank You for what you did, that was kind of you to give up your seat to the old lady."

My attention was drawn to a beautiful girl that was talking to me

She looked like a average popular girl in high school movies, they are like a coin, twofaced, annoying and in everyone's pants

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She looked like a average popular girl in high school movies, they are like a coin, twofaced, annoying and in everyone's pants.

Not sensing anything worth while in the conversation, I just nodded with my eyes closed in her direction and again looked away, leaving her a bit irritated but she continued the conversation non the less.

"It's nice to meet you my name is Kushida Kikyou"


"What's your name ? Since we are going to the same school"


"Are you not from Japan?"


"I'm in class 1-D, Axel-kun what class are you in ?"

"Same" sadly

"Really? I look forward to studying with you then Axel-kun, please take care of me "


Damn, she talks to much

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