Chem Partners (annyeongz)

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(I used the name HBA (Horizon Boarding Academy), but this is a totally different thing from my HSAU series!!! Also I decided to make wonyoung the dorky, Down bad character, and Yujin as her confident, super popular, crush.)

Wonyoung's pov

An Yujin. One of the most popular girls at Horizon Boarding Academy, and arguably the prettiest. No, not just pretty, but absolutely drop dead gorgeous. I mean just looking at her can cause your stomach to do a whole gymnastic routine. Her deep brown eyes are so alluring, and you can tell she hides a lot of emotion behind them. Everything about her is perfect. Her "million dollar" smile, her glorious hair, her strong physical physique, and even her grades. She was the perfect student. Maybe even the perfect human.

You could say I have a bit of a crush on the girl.

However I have never talked to her. I mean how could I? She's up in the penthouse of the social hierarchy with all the jocks and the other popular kids, while I'm in the coal mines, digging myself deeper and deeper everyday. Being in every "geeky" club, having major social awkwardness and getting the highest grades possible solidified my place as a certified nerd. I even had the box shaped glasses to prove it.

I was never necessarily bullied, but I was manipulated into doing other people's homework and assignments, and if I didn't they threatened to beat me. I was also called names and insulted every now and then by cheerleaders. Which, now that I fully think about it, seems a lot like bullying. This torment never came from Yujin though. Either she was to busy to even look in my direction and spare me a breath, or she was super nice. Seeing the way she treated everyone else around, I'm hoping it's the second option.

I have a few classes with the talented Beauty that is Yujin. Including Biology, Chemistry, Calculus and Art. Even though we had been in some of the same classes every year, I never did cross paths with the girl. I hope I do, she seems like a genuinely good friend to have. And I wouldn't mind getting close to her, having her as my friend. Maybe even getting to know her more than a friend, if I'm lucky.

But what am I saying. I could never mingle with the penthouse powers...


I sat in the chemistry lab, chatting with the person sitting next to me, who also happened to be my best friend, Jo Yuri. Yuri could be extremely irritating and teased me more than a normal human could take. But she stuck up for me when some basketball jerks tried pushing me into a locker, so I owe my loyalties to her. She is also higher up on the hierarchy, but only because she is dating the quarter-back of the football team, Kang Hyewon. So being friends with her, somewhat helped me increase my ranking on the social ladder. I'm still way lower than her though.

I was taken out of my thoughts as the teacher strolled in and started scribbling something on the chalkboard. She quickly turned around and stated "Lab partners" which was also what she just wrote on the board. "Okay class, first thing we will be doing this morning will be paring off into partners, which you will stay with for the rest of the year." She smiled, and started logging into her computer.

Me and Yuri turned to each other with a mischievous grin planted on our faces. I mean who else was I supposed to partner with. She is the only person I know in this class, she is also one of my only friends. The only reason I see someone else pairing with me was because they wanted me to do all the work. Besides, me and Yuri worked very well together, actually she just bossed me around, while she did the bare minimum. Either way we won many science competitions together, so I wasn't really mad at the arrangement.

"Ah. Before you all group with your best friends, I have already chosen pairs." Our teacher said without looking away from the screen. I sighed and felt my shoulders slump at the loss of the opportunity to, once again, work with Yuri. I mean it could be a nice change of pace to work with someone new, as long as they worked equally as hard. "Alrighty, so first we have Yena and Yuri," She almost yelled, reading off her laptop's screen, "if I said your names, go sit next to each other or something."

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