the torment will never stop

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**The torment will never stop.**

Brody was sleeping again laying down while having the blanket on him like some kind of shield weird.  As the door opens Brody flinches and falls of the bed straight ti his face

" time knock pls..ughh..."

Brody stands up as the employee sits down on the chair again waiting for him patiently to sit down
Brody took a glance to him and signed as he took a seat looking at him fidgeting with his hands
**he needs to find ⏃ way out 0ř-**

The employee looks at him directly while he is shuffling with the papers

"The date is November 4th, 2020, we are interviewing ____ Brody once again."

*Brody scoffs*
"Welcome back ⟟ thought you all forgot about me or something ⟟ was getting worried."
He said sarcasticly looking at the employee
The employee ignored him and continued talking like he never said anything.
"Mr. Brody has experienced elevated exposure levels since we last spoke. Levels in the room have also been increased."
Brody looks at him suspiciously and confused
"Wait wait wait wait... wdym by that? Wtf did you guys expose me to!?"

The employee remaind calm looking at Brody calmly as if they didn't do anything wrong

"Mr. Brody, there are powers in this world that would seek to harm individuals such as yourself that we are trying to protect you from."
Brody laughs while looking at him and then his moods changes become serious again

"Bullshit!! You really think that doing what you did is really protecting me!? Are you serious!?"

"The employee sighed
Believe me, Mr. Brody, we are. We’re going to carry out the Hopkins assessment again -"
Brody cuts him out saying sarcasticly
"Oh great..."
The employee looked at him and looked back at the papers
"As before, please try to answer every question truthfully. Is your name ____ Brody?"
"Are you thirty four years old?"
"Are you taking the Dr. Hopkins assessment?"
Brody lays back on,the chair
"Yeah yeah whatever get to the point will ya?"

"On a scale of one to ten, one being the lowest and ten being the highest, how would you describe your current mental state?"

Brody looked furious at the employee
"Well I’m pretty pissed off right now, so rock bottom."
"What was that?"
The employee looked at Brody right into his eyes the visions getting weirdly on brodys side as the employee began to ask
"Do you feel safe?"
**whispers:**Do you feel safe?
Brodys eyes keep looking around as The head began to hurt badly
"Are you enjoying your time here?"
Everything began to flash around in brodys vision
"Uh, yeah… N-no."
"How does this image make you feel?"
Brody kept getting dizzy but just answered the question automatically.. confused he seemed to look around while the employee was calmly looking at him still
"Very confused."
"Do you know why you’re here?"
"No no.. no im the one that keeps asking YOU that.."
"Are you comfortable?"
Brody was looking around drastically
"Do you have experience with **A.L.T.R. 10-4709**?"
"I keep telling you ⟟ dont.."
"When was the first time you came into contact with **A.L.T.R. 10-4709**?"
Meanwhile brodys vision kept flashing he kept fidgeting and being nervous.
"I haven't !"
"Do you know why you’re here?"
"Haven't you already asked that.?"
"Have you ever lost someone close to you?"
"How many pictures have you been shown?"
"I think 4"
"How many sounds have you heard?"
Everything around him became more and more loud as the questions kept going back and forth each time faster and faster
"Do you regret your decisions?"
"Yes ⟟ do."
"Do you really mean that?"
**"Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?"**
"Do you believe in life after death"
**"Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?"**
"Stop it."
everything starting getting echoed everything kept flashing white memories to...unpleasant ones...

**"Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?"**
**whispers:Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?**
"Stop! Stop it! Please!"
**"Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?"**
Brody put his hands on his head having ⏃ string grip on his hair panicking and finally screaming
Everything went silent for ⏃ moment till the employee shuffled his papers and finally spoke
"Subject’s exposure has increased to concerning levels. Suggest moving to second phase pending board permission."
The employee standed up opening the door and leaving as Brody said sobbing
"What is this? What did you do to me? What did you do to me?!"

**November 5th 2020**

Brody is sitting on the chair still sobbing and panicking trying to calm himself down until.
**a voice muttered**
"No, no no no no, not this again."
Brody puts his head under his hands till he realizes
"Wait, no this is different."
Brody standed up
**the voice muttered**
"Yeah, yeah I hear you. Who are you?"
**[Thank you.]**
**the voice muttered**
"I’m ____. Wait, where are you? How can I hear you?"
**the voice muttered**
Brody actually had found hope he continued walking around trying to find where the voice is coming from
"Help how? Can you get me out of here?"
"Then why are you talking to me?"
He walks to the table till he realizes
"Are you trapped here too?"
**the voice muttered**
"No no no, don’t say that, no."
Brody put his hands on the table like he is talking to someone IN the room
"If both of us work together we can get out of here."
**the voice muttered**
"What do you mean? How do you know that?"
**the voice muttered** and Brody eyes widened
"You’ve seen them too? What does he want?"
**the voice kept getting fainted** Brody seems really confused and sits on the chair
"I don’t understand, what do you mean I’m special?"
**the voice fainted away**
Brody standed up again trying to call out to it
"No, no no no no. Please don’t go, no please I need to know. **Echo?** Are you there? Oh, come on, please, don’t leave me alone here.

Brody looked down in defeat still no way to escape is there? **Huh...
The place is glitching out...the figure is there again...**
Antimare tries to walk towards Brody again..but antimarws face is blurry glitched out...something is wrong.

**I SWEAR IF Y07 D0 TH1S 4ĞÆÎÑ 1M Ģ⁰⅓ŇĞ Þ-**

**Last day tmr see you therw viewer.**
Before everything goes black ⏃ chuckled can be heard.
**Tmr is the special day**

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