Getting rid of the "last" obstacle..

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In the dark void of antis mind there is pure silence and emptiness
I guess after a long while they lost their happy colorful mind
The mind filled with small little whispers
The camera turns to look at someone chained up
Struggling to break himself free
Bitting, scratching. .
Anything but there was no use
The chains where green connected to the ground which has a circle with an eclipse under it keeping it in place

"Come on.. just a little bit more."

Said the familiar voice pulling on the chains

The person with dark brown hair and green eyes wearing a suit for a show that used to exist long ago 
The green eclipse. 

The person is Ash

She stops
"There is no use. . ⟟ cant get ou-"

Ash turns to look at you their eyes widened

"Wait.. you! I remember you! Reader pls. You gotta help me!"

His eyes started filling with tears


Ash paused for a moment staring down

"You... can't help me  can ya.? Ofc not. You are just reading the story unable to do anything. . ."

Ash stopped pulling the chains

"Whatever you do do-"

The place glitches violently a glitched mass went inside the mind walking towards Ash

"What are you doing here. ."

Ash said in an disturbed tone

The figure looked at him and giggled turning itself into Ash but a big differently

"I just need to do something  . "

"Like what.? Haven't you done enough? You hurt like people that HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH US"

The figure put their finger on ashs mouth shushing them

"See...I told you to not talk about stuff you have no idea about didn't i.  ?
Oh they had a lot to do with u-"

Ash cutted him off
" exactly???"

It's eye twitched in annoyance

"Just because they have a different name and last name. . . It does not mean they are any different.."

"Any different from what?"
Ash asked tilting her head to the side

"From you. . ."

"From me?"

"Yes. . You see silly little Ashy dust!
You don't know how the word is like!"

The creature moved his hand close to his chest

"These people. . Cain . .Jayson. . .Kai . . .Abel. . . And all the others. . Are you.. well.."

The creature shrugged continuing

"They don't act the same or are called the same but they are you. Trust me i know everything...You are them they are you. .
You all just exist in the same little hell at the same time without even realizing it!"

It approached to Ash a booped their nose
"Funny isn't it?"

Ash shook his head
"But that doesn't make sense.! If we are the same we shouldn't even exist in the same world! That's not possible."

"Everything is possible my dear. . Everything is."

Ash paused and looked directly at the almost perfect copy of her

"Wait... why are you telling me this. . . It's easier for me to escape now."

"I know!"

"And you wont do anything about it?"

"Nope! Go ahead! Im done anyway!"

Ash smiled for ⏃ moment
'Finally I'll be free. . .!'
They thought but that smile quickly faded as they looked around the place
The room was dark and silent but something was wrong something was there . . Watching. . .

The figure approached him

"Oh you'll be finally free.."

Two huge hands burst out of the figures back grabbing Ash
And throwing them across the mind

Ash wasn't fast enough to respond the figure teleported infront of Ash and kicked them hard on the stomach and stomp on them

Ash groaned blood coming out of their mouth

they stood up trying to gain their balance but get kicked back down by the figure ripping out their arm

Ash screamed in pain and cried loud
But this was their mind no one can really hear them .

Ash mumbled something under thier breath

The figure tilted it's head
"What did you say.? Are you final-"

Ash grabbed the figures leg and made them fall
They pounced on it start to punch em over and over with their one hand getting its blood all over them

A gun appeared on ashs hand as they shoot the figures head
They sat there breathing heavily as a small smile appeared on their face

"I...I did it.."

Ash stood up holding on to their shoulder trying to stop the bleeding .

"I'm finally free.."

Ash smile grew wider as they began to laugh


blood Started coming out of ashs neck
They look down to look at it
It was a string a green string

The string ripped itself out as blood started pouring out like a waterfall
Ash gasped with their hands trying to stop the bleeding


was the last thing they muttered
They fell down on the ground still a bit Alive

The figure appeared behind them making a clock sign on the air as ash gets speared by tons of needles full of anti-matter

Ashs eyes roll on the back of their head till they eventually drop dead

"I was expecting more of you . . . Thank yoi for the body though . . I promise you . .I will take care of it
And i will get rid of all the others..."

The figure looks at you directly

"I hope you enjoyed this show  . . . Cuz this won't be the last."

There was a huge flash now you are in a glitchy world Antimares body was lifeless sitting on the ground

A small code appeared on their eyes with a green text

[Ash.exe file deleted. . .?]

[Corruption-matter and anti-matter added]


The body's hand snaps up twisting it's fingers unnaturally

Antimare starts laughing their eyes fully black with an x on one of them and a clock on the other

It stands up abnormally their body twisting in various ways before they they go back to their normal places

Antimare looks at you smiling widely giggling

Before everything fades to black anf glitches out leaving only a faded laughter in the distance.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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