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Taehyung POV
We are now inside the clinic after the Doctor finished treating Jin.

"So, the reason that Seokjin-ssi fainted is due to overfatigue and dehydration. He also has a low fever. We administered an IV Drip so his body can absorb more fluids, nutrients and medication faster. Once he finished the IV drip, we can send him home to continue his rest.

It is advisable that he should rest for about 3days so he could recover properly. He should drink enough water and get enough sleep."

"Thank you Doctor Lee for treating Jin and for the explanations. We'll make sure to follow your advice." we bowed to Doctor Lee and the he left us in the room.

I sighed. It's my fault for not doing my job properly. I should have scheduled things properly and I should have notice when he was not feeling well. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Yoongi hyung slapped my back.

"Tae, we know what you are thinking. It's not your fault and don't blame yourself." Yoongi hyung said and locked my head in his arms.

"But it is my fault -" Yoongi tightened his arms on my neck.

"Idiot! It is not and If Jinnie learned that you are blaming yourself he will be sadder."

"Alright alright release me hyung."  I said while tapping his arms.

"You two stop it! You'll wake Jinnie up! Go out if you'll just be noisy." Hobi hyung snapped at us.

"Sorry" we both said and bowed our heads like a kicked puppy.


Before moving out of the parking lot I decided to call Taehyung again to ask where is Jin currently. I want to see him personally to assure he's okay. I will be restless until I see him.

Taehyung: Hello Jungkook-ssi?

JK: Hey, Taehyung-ssi. I wanted to ask about Jin's condition. How is he? Did he really fainted?

Taehyung: According to the doctor that checked him, he fainted due to overfatigue and lack of sleep. The doctor administered an IV drip to Jin and he is currently asleep at our onsite clinic in the company.

JK: I'm glad he is resting now. Uhmm Taehyung-ssi, I know this is too much to ask but can I visit Jinnie? I'm really worried about him and I want to see him. Please, even if it just for a few minutes.

Taehyung: Alright. I will vouch for you.

JK: Thank you so much Taehyung-ssi! I owe you one.

Taehyung: No. I should be the one to thank you for notifying us inmediately about Jinnie's situation. Really, thank you Jungkook-ssi.

JK: No worries. I'll go there now.


Taehyung ssi escorted me to Jin's room and said he will just be outside. I entered and saw J-hope-ssi sitting beside Jinnie's bed. He looked at me and smiled at me. I think his smile can rival the sun.

"Good evening J-hope ssi, I am Jeon Jungkook, Jinnie's friend. Nice meeting you." i bow and then extended my hand to him.

"Ah hello Jungkook-ssi, I am Jung Hoseok or as you know, J-Hope. It's good to finally meet you." he took my extended hand and shook it. "And don't be so formal with me, I feel old. Just call me Hobi hyung." he added while chuckling.

"Okay Hobi hyung." I smiled back at him.

"You can sit here. I'll just go outside to get something to drink."

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