Chapter XXXV

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December 28, 2023

2:01 PM

Manhattan, New York City, New York

Bloomington sat in the apartment he had been housed in for a while, Samuhel lay on the chair parallel to him. Bloomington looked outside the window of his apartment, overviewing the rainy day that took place outside, and the central park, which was only 25% full, still a little odd for a rainy day. Raindrops flew like bullets toward his window, as Samuhel snored, in a deep, blissful sleep. The snoring dog's tail wagged as it slept, signifying that it was going through a happy dream. Bloomington had connected to a channel, named US-NY News.

It was discussing a deadly tornado that took place back in Lexington, 3 weeks ago today. Bloomington focused on it, and a female reporter covered the topic.

"On the topic of storms, onto news, today marks the 3-week anniversary of the tornado in Lexington, Kentucky, an F5 that ended up taking 30 lives and injuring 451 others. The monstrous storm had a minimum possible max. wind speed of 221, and a maximum possible max. speed of 237. Families have still been grieving over the loss of loved ones, and 5 citizens are still reported missing." The news reporter stated to the viewers.

As Bloomington focused on the TV, his phone started to ring. The ringing startled the dog, waking it up. As the dog woke up, a knocking came from the door. Bloomington snapped his head around. He knew what was most likely to happen. Bloomington stood up and swiftly walked toward his kitchen cabinet.

He slipped his hand around the handle and opened the cabinet, grabbing a firearm out of it, specifically the same IMI Mini Uzi that he had used. He swung his arm around and aimed it at the door. He walked around the counter of his kitchen and stood in the middle of the overall apartment room.

"Who is it!?" Bloomington yelled.

Bloomington examined the door, but as he did, a chunk of wood flew off toward him, and a piercing pain in his gut happened. This was accompanied with a series of wood chunks flying off the door, and a series of loud bangs. Gunshots. Bloomington screamed as he felt more and more bullets fly through the door and into his overall body.

Samuhel barked loudly as Bloomington used all of his strength to just run. He ran and ran until he finally made it behind the counter of his kitchen. He breathed heavily and screamed as a result of his bullet wounds. His counter was filled with an arrangement of pots and pans and he heard bullets attempting to fly through the counter, but being ricocheted. He examined his own body.

He had at least 7 bullet wounds. He was surprised he had the ability to even walk or crawl, let alone run. Samuhel started to whine inside of his barks, as he realized his owner was being harmed. Poor Samuhel had no idea where the source of the pain was.

Bloomington looked over to Samuhel and screamed; "Sit!"

If he was going to die, he at least wanted to ensure the dog's safety. The dog spun around and lay on the chair, whining but still barking. But before Bloomington knew it, the shooting ceased. Stopped altogether. He heard the sound of a foot against wood and the door swinging open. Gunsmoke filled the room and Bloomington stayed silent. Bloomington still had his mini submachine gun in his right hand.

He heard a series of cautious footsteps. Bloomington saw Samuhel sitting down and looking up at one of the men, whining.

A man whispered; "Get the dog."

Bloomington, knowing what was soon to happen, raised his right arm with his firearm, and placed it on the counter, he screamed as he did so, due to a wound being stretched as a result. He pushed his finger down on the trigger and swept it over the counter once more. He heard grunting and screaming from about two men. Droplets of blood rained on Bloomington from the men as he heard bodies dropping to the floor. He let go of the trigger.

He sat down and thought about what all of this was even for. But he had a most-likely reason; the club shootout. Bloomington had told Xavier and Clover about his location. That was the reason that they had decided to end a man's life inside of his temporary home in New York, right next to his friend's dog.

That was why. Bloomington saw everything he had loved and cared about as he heard raindrops pelting the window, and a soft white light, a light filled with everything, as everything faded.

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