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Tiger then dropped Zoya to the ground

Zoya: OW! What are you doing

Tiger: you're seriously asking me this question? What are you doing here at my house most importantly how the hell did you get in here

Zoya: your house?

Tiger then pulled Zoya from her arm and walked her out of the garden. Just when he was about to approach the gate to kick her out of his house Dorga stopped him

Dorga: Jai!

Tiger stopped and turned around 

Dorga: how can you misbehave with our guest like this

Tiger: Guest?

Dorga: Yes Zoya is my guest..for now I've talked to your father already

Tiger: about?

Dorga: For Zoya to stay here and live in this house

Tiger: Are you insane?! I'm not letting this girl stay in my house even for a second. You may not know her but I know her very well, she's nothing but an obsessive fan, I don't know how she brainwashed you-

Dorga: she didn't brainwash me and I've said what I've said, Zoya will be living here from now on

Tiger turned to Zoya full of anger, Zoya was scared as she looked back at him. Tiger then went inside to talk to his father

Ayesha: Dorga said she's Zoya Ali Khan, if she's the girl who we think she is then what will we do

Jackie: if she's who we think she is then she must stay in this house

Tiger rushed inside the house

Tiger: what is the meaning of this, that girl is not going to stay here

Krishna: I can't believe she's the same girl that ruined your show here at our house

Ayesha: enough Krishna

Jackie: She's going to stay here

Tiger: What?

Jackie looked at Ayesha both feeling uncomfortable over a secret they've been hiding for years

Jackie: she'll only stay with us for a while

Tiger and his father kept debating over Zoya's stay at their house Tiger then picked up his jacket that was hanging on the kitchen chair and left the house. He gave Zoya one bad look before he left Zoya felt uneasy

Zoya: *dear god please help me. How will I start living here specially with this bully over here. But I must endure for my family even if it means I have to stand seeing this dumbass everyday*

Tiger was driving very fast on the road

Tiger: this girl brainwashed the whole family, but I swear I will make the house hell for her, if I can't kick her out then I will make her leave on her own, I will make your life a living hell Zoya

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