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The sound of her alarm rab trough the room. With a groan, she opened her eyes and looked trought the still dark room. A little bjt of Light came trought the Blue certains. She rubbed her eyes and laid on her back. Today she had a job interview.

She sat up and looked trought the room, it wasnt big, a desk was placed not far away from her bed, a closet for her clothes and a shef for her books. In her desk you could also put things, wich where her teaching things.

She stoof up and went to turn on the Light. The Light made the room bright and, as it wa very bright. Enid just graduated as a teacher for teenagers, and wad ready for her job interview.

She wore a White blouse with simple Black pants, and had her short in a simple bun.

She went to get a sandwich she made yesterday but dint had time to eat it. So sge eated it and went to her car. The car ride was about 10 minutes before she finnaly came at school.

A big place..it looked like a Church. All kind of studens went inside. Enid sighed she dint know what she got herslef into.

Slowly she got out of her car and with slow steps went inside. Everyone looked at her since they dint saw her yet. She dint know where to go do decided to look trought the school for a bit. She went to a place, it was like a park. Most of the students were sitting on a bench there or just walking around.

One cathced her attention.

She wore Black pants and a black and White striped hoodie. She probably had her hair tied up since she wore a beanie. She had high Black boots and was comapnied by two boys.

The two brunnete had a evil smile on their face while talking with the girl. Who seemed to have no expression.

The girl raised her gaze when she noticed someone looking at her. She dint know Who dared to do that, since no one other then her friends dared to look at her.

Blue eyes met her brown ones. She seemed like a young woman, she had blonde hair and had om formal clothes. She had slightly impressed with how the woman looked. For some reason she felt a little spark in her heart.

As fast as she could enid tunred away when she notiched she looked for too long. Embarrshed she felt her face flush, when a older woman walked up to her.

"Are you miss sinclair?" She asked, she asked very friendly but dint gave her a smile. She had white hair and rather red lipstick.

"Thats me!" Enid said with a excite smile. The woman nodded and lead her the way to her office.

One more time enid looked to her side. But the woman wasnt there anymore, she shurrged her shoulders and went after the woman.

"Please take a seat" she said after she closed the door. Enid sat down as the woman sat in front of her. "Im larrisa weems but you van just call me larrisa or weems" she began and enid nodded.

Weems laid some files on the table. Curious enid leaned closer and looked at the files.

"As you know we need teachers, but only with one class if thats okay with you?" She asked raising an eyebrown.

"Ofcourse!" Enid respond. The woman turned back to the file.

"We need classes for monday thursay and friday. The other two days the students go on a trip." The woman spoke. Giving more info.

"Thats okay." Enid respond nodding.

"Well theres one more thing.." wedks said after enid agreed after everything, and knowing the rules. She raised an eyebrow when she said that.

"The class what your teacing is 4b as you know. However those Kids arent as easy as you seem." Weems said a little bit scared that enid wiuld blakc out now. But she dint.

"Thats okay nothing i cant handle." Enid spoke proudly. Weems shook her hand.

"Welcome to nevermore!" At wednesday you ciuld Come here to introducé you already to the other teachers and May the students.

They both left the room still talkjng. The halls were emty since everyone had class now. Well not everythingw as empty.

"Addams" the girl enid saw earlier leaned against the lockers chewing Black bubble gum. "Dont you have to go class?"

"No" she spoke back. Her voice made enid tremble. "I have free period"

Then why are you alone?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Just go to class addams!" Her voice raised as the girl rolled her eyes.

"Yes old woman" she tunred aroun ls after looking at enid and went to her class.

"Im sorry about her shes like that" she said with a sigh as she saw the girl taking the worng way not going to class.


They went outside and said goobye. Enid went into her car wjth a smile. She finnaly had a job!

Little did she know what she got herself into.


Took longer then expected so hope you liked it!

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