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With a big sigh, enid sat down in the teachers room, its been a very tiring hour for her. And then she had to do more lessons with them.

"Class 4b?" She heard a woman spoke. She nodded, and looked up at her. She had long Black hair with some glasses, she was tall and wore a red sweater with some jeans and boots. "Yea i was in that class too"

She sat down next to enid.

"Those are just little kids" enid spoke. Again shesighed loudly.

"Yea in the begin they are. But later they are brats. Wouldnt do anything i said" she replied with nodding and reached out her hand. "Yoko tanaka."

"Enid sinclair" she said with a smile. "Im new so i dont know people" she laughed awkward.

"Already assumd that!" She laughed. "But i know a few. Actully 3." She said.

"Ajax peteopolus Jenny maxwell, and Mickey baker" she spoke again. Enid could only nod. "I know more but the others are just old ladies."

That made enid laugh, and yoko aswell.  The two girls talked a lot, like they were friends for years.

"Hey after school wanna hang out?" Yoko asked excitedly, like shes a little kid. Enid nodded and gigggled.

"You look like a a teenager"

"I know! Jenny and ajax are also coming ok with that? We just gonna drink." Yoko said. Trying to fill up the mood.

"Its thursday?" Enid asked.

"Yes i know, but those Kids are too much, i need a beer."

The Bell rang soon, wich ment enid had to go back to class. Enid took a deep breath, before walking into the classroom, seeing all the students queitly looking at her, when she walked over to her desk.

Its scared enid.

"Did you have a nice lunch?.." she asked littls unsure of what to say. Shes mentor of that group.

(I have no idea if thats also a thing in england or so. If you dont know what it is. Its one teacher has his/her own class, not with subject just with thing that happend and thwy are in charge of that. So as i said i dunno if you have that in england or so. But i do :D)

Most of the stundents nodded. But Thorpe and galpin were fighting.

"Thorpe and galpin if you dont stop in 5 minutes you have detention!" She shouted. Its her first Day and she was done with ths class.

"Boring!" Galpin shouted.

Bianca gave him a punch. "Be nice fattie"

"Im not fat" he defended himself.

"Not? Hm my bad" she said in a fals tone.

"Stop it!" Enid shouted once again. "I want this to be a normal class why cant you behave like a 15 year old?!"

Addams raised her hand. Enid sighed.

"Yes addams?"

"Because they are 5 year olds"

"Shut up addams like you never behave like that" Thorpe rolled his eyes.

"At least not in class" she respond back.

"Oh yeah your the teachers favorjte!" Thorpe shouted again.

"Dare to repeat that?" She stood up and was about to walk to him.



Enid stood outside her classroom, counting from 1 to 10 for the 5th time. Taking deep breaths. Even outside the classroom she could hear the students fight.

The three screamed and it was annoyijh, you could hear it 3 classes away.

"Are you okay?" A male asked, coming out of ome of the classrooms. "Oh yeah..class 4b.."

Enid nodded. She looked up, and there, in her opionion, stood a handsome boy. Hé had brown short hair, was taller then enid, and wore a blouse with Black pants.

Hé had a gentle smile and green eyes. Enid felt her heart beat faster as the boy stood in front of her now.

"Your new right? Im ajax, ajax petropolus" he smiled again. Enids face heated up.

"Enid sinclair" she shook his hand. Hé streghted the back of his head.

"Then what is such a pretty lady like you doing here?" Enid laughed and spoke.

"This was the only class they had, but miss addams mr Thorpe and galpin are impossibale toghter!" Enid spoke, as had them one day and was already done.

"Yeah i also had that class once. Damn they are little kids but refuse to do anything, claimin 'they are smart enough" enid nodded.

The looked at each other in their eyes, enids beautiful blue ones in the green once.

A scream made them concentrate on class.





"I think we have to look whats going on" enid whispered, as ajax nodded.

They opened the door, and wednesday stood in front of tyler. Both having a laughing expression, but aslo rage.

Xavier laughed his ass off, while bianca pinced her nose as if she was done with her life.

Mia and the other stood in surpirse, watching the two 'friends' stare at each othed ready to see whats next.

"What are you doing?" Enids voice was heard trought the classroom, wich made everyone look at enid.

Well not everyone.

"Im the most beautiful! Hair is everything! You dont even show it!" Tyler said. As a girl, hé spoke to addams who tried to hold back her laugh. While xavier failed to do so.

"You wish you were beautiful! I dont show mt hair cuz no one is ready for my beauty" she winked.

"Pff yea sure"

Xavier basicly died.

The others looked at the two open mouthed.

Enid dint know what to do.

Ajax watched xavier die.

"Miss addams and mr galpin!" Enid almost shouted. The two tunred around and saw Enid and ajax in the door opening.

Wednesday, looking at ajax, who stood top close for her liking. It felt like her heart dropped. Her expression changed and now it was emotion less.

Enid noticed and was a bit disapointed. But focused on her teacher job.

"Im out for 5 minutes and rhen this happens? Its like a fighting erea here!" Enid was mad. "Dettion for both of you! In my class after school."

Was the last thing she said. Everyone walked to their place. As enid walked outside to say goodbye to ajax.

"Well, i think i see you tonight, as yoko said" he said with a little blush on his face. Enid nodded the same.


Hé winked and walked away, enids heart flutterd as she watched him walk to his own class.

She found it weird that she felt this way too fast.

But it felt good...?


Ya all give me ideas, i dont have any 😭

(Pain in my heart...i writed enjax 😭)

I just saw a vid, and a couple found out that they were having 3 babies instead of 1. And the first thing the man said was:


i laughed so hard 🤣🤣🤣🤣


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