Chapter 1: New Girl!

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Mariane POV

"Ugh..." I rub on my temples as i slowly moving my already ache body to sit up.

"W-what happened?" I steadyed myself, my hand trail on the soft object beneath me and it seems i landed on a sofa. It looks like it had been disposed of as it's old and broken. There's also creaking sound coming from it.

The back of my head started to hurt badly as I groaned in pain, i decided to lay myself and rest my head on the sofa's arm. While resting without a care, my eyes slowly open and looked up. The first thing that caught my eyes and came into my view was a dark planet with a large red pentagram star on it, illuminating this dark crimson light. Not too far from it, there's another planet with bright white light and covered with clouds?.

I rub and squint my eyes not believing what i'm seeing. I take another proper look and realize now that i was looking at the sky. It was bright red and there's a large pentagram in the middle of it. My body shot up. I began to look at my surroundings and found myself in an alley. Screams, chatters, and what seems to be gunshot can be heard from outside of the alley.

"What in the actual hell??" I stood up and walked near the exit of the alley. I take a peek outside. My eyes widen and gasp as to what i'm seeing.

There's what seems to be a demon? talking with the others while showing something from their phone. Another trying to rob from a store with a gun on their hand aiming at the cashier. Right across the store there's a demon flirting with another, but the other demon seems to be disgusted. Suddenly out of nowhere, explosions can be heard not too far from the alley i'm in.

I went right back into the alley and slumped down onto the ground while trying to remember as to how I got here. My eyes fell to my body, still wearing the usual uniform from my workplace. Blue buttoned shirt, black pencil skirt matching with black stocking which were in an already torn condition and black heels. Even my name tag is still on the left of my shirt. I quickly fumbled through the pocket on my skirt in search of my mini mirror which is a must use necessity during my work as i usually use it for checking on my appearance and makeup. My hand felt the object and quickly took it out.

I have just realized that my hand looks much different from before "Please don't be broken..." I hold the mirror in my hand as i slowly turn it to only find that it was indeed broken with a crack which spread from middle until the edge. I sigh and wished that my phone was here. My workplace does not allow their employees to bring phones in during work and need to be kept in the locker room as it might distract our work or possibly bring harm to the place.

But still, the mirror can be used. I lift the mirror right in front of my face, the reflection shows a girl with light soft purple skin, cat looking dark blue eyes with a black heart mark just below the right eye, and long fluffy black hair with white streak. There are also two black horns with the shape of hearts from both side of my head. I touched the horn and my hand trailed to my face, it felt so surreal.

"Well... I do be lookin cute though" I look at my on the mirror once more.

A sudden squirms from the lower back of my body makes me jump, i quickly look at my back. There seems to be something in my skirt, i lowered the back skirt and a tail flicked out. It caught me by surprise and without thinking, my hand grabbed tight on it. I yelped as the force sent an electric sensation to my whole body. Immediately, i let go and the tail started to swing side by side uncontrollably.

"W-what the...?" I look on my back once again, the tail is still there, attached to my tailbone. The tail's color is the same as my horn and at the end were a heart shaped. I tried to control the swings and it stopped almost immediately. I was amazed by myself as i know how to control it. Even though i actually don't know how. I moved it to the left and right. It followed what I wanted it to be. I chuckled lightly and found my tail to be cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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