2:A Text Message

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"A basket!!" Our coach shouted.

He was always so happy whenever we scored.Hard to find coaches genuinely happy for us nowadays.
"Dudee,you gettin' better every single day" "Good for you" Aahan said while chuckling. I smiled.

"You want some water?" I asked on my way to the infirmary. "What happened to your leg?" Aahan asked. "Oh nothing,just a tiny cut" I remarked.
"I'll take you there, and you can't say no because I'm going either way"
I sighed,knowing there is no getting away alone.

We went to the infirmary.The nurse asked "Ooh!" "What now Aahan?!"
I guess Aahan was a usual here. "Look.This time it isn't for me,Its for my dear friend Darshit" "He got a cut on his leg"

The nurse quickly turned to look at me then at my leg.
"But don't be sad....even though he will definitely not be as much fun as me,He is alright" "Since,he has been my best friend forever I suppose" Aahan stated in a serious saracastic manner.The nurse chuckled.

Aahan winked at her and went out with his headphones in his ear.

"Aahan has always been super sensitive since young" "He grew up in a favourtism family" "His brother was always favoured" "His parents also didn't support his dream of becoming a basketball player"

"You might be wonder how I know all this" The nurse asked. I frowned
"I was his nanny when he was young"
The nurse said while applying ointment on my leg.

I sighed.
"Not everyone can have a magical life I suppose"

She remained silent.

All Done!

"Thank you" I smiled.

I went out and saw Aahan laughing at his phone.
I handed him a bottle of water and sat beside him.

We admired the nature before us until my phone chimmed with a text message.
Both our attention turned toward my phone.
I spat out my water in shock, realising the sender of the message.

It said AR Melha!

When did she even save my number. I didn't have doubts from where she got it as it is in our class group.But why is she messaging me,what is the purpose,what is the text and many others combined in my flying thought.

Aahan's eyes were going to pop.

I opened the message.It said 'Hi Aahan, I'm Melha;from class 11 B"

"What a formality" Aahan remarked.
I remained silent and read the rest of the text.

'I was wondering if you are coming to school next week?'

Should I reply or not,reply or not.Thoughts rang in my head continuously.

"As your best friend I think you should reconsider if you should reply to her or not" "Don't loose your cold blood for her with this small text message"Aahan said.

"In my opinion I think I should not cut her off but not completely hang to her" "I'll just reply to her text but ask nothing more" I told him

"Good Idea!" Aahan replied

Don't know why but my hands were shivering for typing a small yes.

"Round Two!!" Our coach shouted.

We ran without another look back.

Eyes Don't Lie!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora