𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆, bonding process

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the once pristine hotel lobby was in a state of complete disarray, with red feathers spread across the once spotless carpeting. it looked as if a flock of birds had descended upon the happy hotel, leaving behind a crime scene. the only discernible objects amidst the wreckage were sizable maroon feathers, their rich, vibrant hue making them stand out against the neutral tones of the floors. this unusual scene left many hotel residents stumped, unsure who could've caused such a mess.

most were quick to point a finger at husk, as his scarlet wings bore a striking resemblance to the feathers dispersed throughout the hallways. though the feline strongly denied having any part in this so-called "bird attack."

from the very beginning, charlie turned a blind eye to this incident. not wanting to upset anyone involved (husk), she dropped it before this minor inconvenience had a chance to spiral out of control. besides, a little feathers here and there never bothered anyone. nifty seemed to relish the opportunity to collect feathers like a child at an easter egg hunt, going around and carefully gathering them into her baskets before disposing of them promptly.

this strange "bird attack" was initially thought to be a one-time occurrence, but it turned out to be a recurring event. with the same distinctive maroon-colored feathers sprawled across the area the following morning. 

after the incident, most were able to move on with their lives and forget about it with time. however, a few individuals couldn't stop their minds from racing and began to form theories about what might have happened. amidst all the chaos and clutter left behind in the aftermath, one patron appeared to be drawn to the wreckage like a moth to a flame. he hummed a soft tune in his usual radio static voice while carefully pinching a delicate quill between his fingertips, examining it closely as if it were a rare specimen. alastor felt a strange sense of déjà vu, as if he had encountered this type of feather before, but he couldn't seem to remember where or when. till it finally clicked.

although this problem had no direct connection to him, the radio demon felt an unusual sense of obligation to see this theory through to the end. as the night approached, he made his way through the deserted hallways, careful not to make a sound. finally, he arrived at the room in question, his sharp senses picking up on a faint sound emanating from behind the door. alastor's ears perked up, and he listened intently, trying to discern the source of the noise. the soft sobs sounded like they were coming from someone inside.

the curious deer approached and hesitated momentarily before knocking on the wooden frame three times. the sound echoed in the quiet surroundings as he waited patiently for a response. the soft weeps that once filled the air moments ago ceased, and the atmosphere turned eerily still. alastor hoped for a warm welcome, but instead, a sharp voice broke the silence, "go away!" the voice was weak and trembling, as if the person inside had been cooped up in the room crying for hours.

the grinning demon seized this opportunity to slip inside through the tiny crack, using his shadow to slide underneath the door with grace. what greeted him on the other side was a troubling sight. the dim lighting cast rays onto the disheveled king. he was curled up tightly, almost into a ball, his posture resembling that of a butterfly's cocoon with wings draped around him.

at the heart of it all sat lucifer, shrouded in mystery as his six crimson wings stretched out, concealing his physical appearance from view as they enveloped around his body. after hearing static flood his ears, lucifer bit down on his lip to keep the sobs from exiting his mouth.

the demon's voice reverberated through the dimly lit room, devoid of any hint of sympathy. as if he held no concern in the world, he remarked, "my my, someone's seen better days." the king, with his damaged wings, looked as though he had flown through a hell storm. the once majestic wings were now in complete shambles, with dirt and filth caked in every crevice, and unkept feathers sticking out in all directions.

the king took a moment to collect himself before speaking his mind. with a bitter and biting tone, he snapped, "i'm not in the mood.. so kindly piss off." his words were laced with a thin venom, causing the cocoon around him to tighten like a coiled serpent ready to strike. he hugged his knees closer to his chest and hoped that his words were enough to rid the demon of his room. but after a moment of silence, the king took a risk and peeked outside his comforting ball and into the void. instead of being met with a soulless room, their alastor sat on the very edge of his mattress.

the piercing stare of the demon fixated upon lucifer, whose face was adorned with traces of saline droplets that had left their stain on his flushed, rosy cheeks. with a hint of cat-like curiosity, alastor asked, "what's with the long face, your highness?" however, lucifer was in no mood to entertain the question. he exhaled sharply and looked away, avoiding the demon's questioning gaze altogether.

as the situation unfolded, it became clear the demon wasn't planning to leave anytime soon. he let out a soft, sinister cackle before muttering, "oh, there's no need to be like that. i'm only here to lend a helping hand." despite his pitifully optimistic grin, it was obvious that his offer was not to be trusted. this issue was far too sensitive, and there was no way a mere mortal sinner could be entrusted with such a daunting task.

lucifer sat hunched over, his fingers digging into his skin. his voice was weak and barely audible as he muttered, "this is none of your concern." alastor's grin grew wider at the response. "your majesty, i assure you i have no ill intent. it is clear that you're unwell, and i would be honored to offer my assistance if only you'd allow me." the demon's words were sincere, as he waited patiently for the king's answer.

lucifer was taken aback by alastor's boldness, considering he seemed to have no grasp of the situation. however, the king realized that no one else was coming to his aid and decided to make the best of it.

"if you're truly eager to help, then i will accept your offer," he said, relaxing his wings from their coiled position around his body. the moment he unraveled and saw the noticeable twinkle of amusement in the demon's stone-cold gaze, he already started to regret this.

   lucifer let out a brief, exhausted breath before beginning to explain. "every ten years or so, angels undergo a process called molting, during which they shed some of their feathers. this is a natural occurrence that signifies growth and renewal. still, it can also be a vulnerable time for the angel. to support each other and show companionship; other angels will often assist in the grooming process. this is a delicate and intimate bonding experience, akin to the kind shared by lifelong partners.."

   as lucifer tried to elaborate, he suddenly felt a lump forming in his throat, which made it difficult for him to continue. he paused momentarily to compose himself, but to his misfortune, tears began swelling up in his eyes, which were already raw and exhausted. the emotional strain was too much for him to bear as his eyes drifted downward. "since the beginning, lilith has always been there for me.. but now that she's gone, i—"

   as the king became lost in his thoughts, he was startled by the sudden touch of a hand under his chin. the fingers gently tilted his head upwards, causing him to meet the gaze of the demon sitting in front of him. "i already said i was willing to help, didn't i?" alastor asked with a cheeky smile. the king's face glowed as he swatted the other's hand away.

𝐌𝐎𝐋𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍, radioappleWhere stories live. Discover now