𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓, mating practices

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   although alastor's original plan was to wait for his issue to resolve on its own without seeking any self-induced pleasure, the seductive lure dangling before him became too much to resist. lucifer watched intently as the demon backed off him, fumbling with his fly before pushing the rest down to his ankles. unsure whether to be scared or eager by the size pressing against his entrance. "what, are you scared now that it's time?" the demon cooed with a brief chuckle.

lucifer responded with an exasperated eye roll as the demon started to push into the tight space. "just let me know if you're feeling any pain, and i'll stop," he said with a hint of concern. alastor was skilled at many things, but sex was not one of them. nevertheless, he thought the copious amount of oil lathered around the entrance would make this process enjoyable for both of them. and lucifer would be lying if he said otherwise.

with soft breaths, he watched as the length sunk into him, prodding at his insides and stuffing him full. soft moans escaped from his lips as he clutched onto the smooth silk sheets, his grip so intense he could rip them apart without much thought. alastor took his sweet time, moving slowly and cautiously, and yet the discomfort was still evident in his eyes. lucifer could tell the demon was trying his best to be gentle, but the pain lurked underneath the surface.

the demon yearned to destroy the whining creature squirming beneath him. the temptation to surrender to his instincts and succumb to the growing pleasure was strong, but he resisted with every fiber of his being. instead, he took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, determined to stay in control and do what needed to be done for lucifer's sake.

as he pushed in, making sure not to cause any harm to the king. his undivided attention was on the task at hand. however, much to his surprise, their lips met in a sudden collision, leaving him stunned. alastor felt the reins slipping through his fingers as he became lost in the moment. the kiss was delicious, tasting of strawberries and rich vanilla. the flavors were so sweet that they seemed to transport him to a different world, where he was lost in the incredible sensation. as he surrendered himself to the feeling, everything else faded away, and he was left with nothing but the pure pleasure of the kiss. consumed in the heat of the moment, his hips unintentionally bucked forward and forced the rest of his cock inside with one final thrust.

caught off guard, waves of numbness coursed through his body in ways lucifer had never experienced before. he gasped as the inexperienced demon instantly ripped away from the kiss. a worried look etched onto his face. "doesn't it hurt? if that's the case i can pull out." not wanting alastor to back away, lucifer reached up and latched onto a perky ear protruding from atop the deer's head. "no, wait-!" he tugged on the soft ear to keep alastor stationary.

lucifer's arms then swung around the perplexed demon's neck, drawing them back together. for an instant, their bodies pressed close against one another, as they both relished in the warmth the other provided. "let's just.. stay like this for a little bit longer." alastor was taken aback as he practically melted into the arms.

lucifer became vulnerable and sensitive in a way he's never seen before. alastor couldn't help but feel a sense of tenderness towards the fallen angel. as they lay there atop the covers, the demon leaned in and placed a soft peck on the smallers forehead, a simple gesture that spoke volumes about the demon's priorities. "as you wish, my lord," alastor whispered. giving the stretched-out wings a reassuring pet, waiting patiently for the signal to proceed.

"i'll take it out if it hurts." alastor offered once more, "i said i'm fine," lucifer huffed, rotating his hips in a clockwise motion to rid this painful feeling from his guts, trying to force his body to adjust which only seemed to cause him more pain when he bumped a particular spot. the angel winced as the walls enclosed around the demon, still throbbing inside him, begging for some stimulation. alastor groaned, "relax." he dug his fingers into the barely-groomed feathers, undoing the ten minutes of work he'd put into them.

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