𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒕𝒘𝒐, sensitive wings of an angel

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   "yeah, fine.. but take it slow, i haven't done this kind of thing in a while." lucifer instructed the demon, urging him to proceed with caution. alastor, visibly amused by this rare opportunity to groom an angel's wings, eagerly agreed to do so. lucifer sat on the edge of the bed, letting his feet dangle off as he presented his wings to the demon stationed behind him. despite his reluctant behavior, lucifer entrusted the demon's abilities to groom his wings. however, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that only another angel knew how to do it properly. as the grooming began, lucifer rubbed his forehead, worrying that this might not be the best idea.

lucifer attempted to guide the inexperienced sinner through this challenging task, offering instructions that went in one ear and out the other. meanwhile, alastor's full attention was captivated by the sight of the magnificent maroon feathers sprawled before him. slowly, his fingers traced down the length of one feather, savoring the texture of its softness. as he twirled and teased the feather with his fingers, lucifer found that his breath became lodged in his throat, breathless at the feeling of alastor's movements.

as the sinner held the delicate feather in his hand, he couldn't resist the urge to caress it. the fine, silken barbs were incredibly soft to the touch, and with every stroke of his fingers, they sprang back into their rightful place. the feathers were unlike anything he'd ever felt before. it was as if he was touching a piece of the clouds themselves: weightless, ethereal, and infinitely gentle. as alastor admired the breathtaking sight before him, he noticed the quill he had been holding was bent out of shape. following the angel's instructions, he gently wrapped his hand around the lone feather, feeling its soothing texture, before finally pulling it out with a firm tug.

this sudden and unexpected motion caused the angel's wings to instinctively flutter as lucifer let out a surprised squeak. "what part of slow don't you understand?" he scolded the demon sternly, trying to hide his annoyance. alastor, slightly taken aback by the angel's outburst, slowly placed the feather beside him on the silk covers. "my apologies," he said, his voice soft and remorseful. "i must have gotten carried away." understanding that alastor was still learning, lucifer forgave the error and allowed him to continue with the task at hand.

the demon became truly mesmerized by the crimson feathers, as he gently moved his fingers through each column, he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. with the utmost care, he began removing any debris and misplaced feathers as part of the molting process, starting with the primary feathers near the edge of the first wing. alastor was cautious not to upset the angel while plucking away the wing, ensuring a smooth process. the wings responded to each faint touch as his index finger zigzagged through each row and pulled out some impaired quills. the softness was truly remarkable, and alastor enjoyed every second of it.

lucifer, unlike alastor, was not enjoying the heat. he was grateful that his wings were shielding the demon's view, as his face was melting under the scorching flames. being in such proximity to alastor made lucifer's angelic wings more sensitive, and he could feel this intense heat creeping as the prodding touch crept closer to his spine.

the king felt a strange warmth rising within him as the fingers pulled on his secondary feathers. he tried to stifle any sounds that threatened to escape him by slipping a hand over his mouth. despite his efforts, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed by the weakness that overtook him. his breaths came out in soft gasps as he struggled to keep himself composed. the smaller feathers ruffled up under the gentle, deliberate contact.

alastor's slender fingers traced the contours of the bridge as he leaned in, his voice dripping with a honey-like sweetness. "your wings are truly remarkable," alastor let out a low, contented purr as he spoke, his words causing the king's cheeks to flush an even deeper shade. at that moment, lucifer felt as though he would rather die than endure this shame any longer. the weight of his humiliation bore down on him like a physical force, making every second feel like an eternity.

lucifer's was practically engulfed in the sensual atmosphere, he couldn't help but feel his fingers curl around the crinkled fabric of the bedding. as hands tangled in his feathers, he tried to control his body's natural response to the adrenaline surging through his veins. but despite his best efforts, the tent forming beneath the fabric of his pants begged to differ.

lucifer was overwhelmed with a powerful blend of emotions that coursed through his body. he felt a bittersweet pleasure as tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, unsure whether to embrace or reject the conflicting feelings. as he struggled to make sense of his inner turmoil, all he could think about was how much he wanted this to be over.

as alastor's hands wandered curiously, they gradually made their way toward the base where the skin met the wing. his eyes were drawn to a noticeable bump located near the center. initially, he thought it might have been an old battle scar, but as he dragged his fingers over the top, it became evident that it was not. the sudden contact caused lucifer to let out a shaken yelp that melted into a low moan.

alastor removed his fingers from the angel's quivering wing, feeling a twinge of concern that he may have accidentally caused him harm. however, as he withdrew his fingers, he noticed they were coated in a slick, oily substance. it suddenly dawned on him that lucifer had mentioned something about an oil gland while rambling about unimportant matters earlier. the glands located between the shoulder blades of angels were designed to secrete an oil that would serve as a lubricant for their feathers while they preened themselves. however, due to the location of this gland made it difficult for lucifer to reach and attend to it without assistance.

so alastor did his part and massaged the fluid into the smaller ruffled feathers causing soft noises to flow from the king's mouth. "would you like me to stop?" the demon asked, his voice littered with amusement. lucifer rapidly shook his head from side to side, hardly able to get a word out. "no-! no.. keep going.."

he urged the demon to continue with a weakened voice. the wings were trembling as alastor preened them with care. the angel began breathing heavily, unable to compose himself as he felt the sinner adjust the crooked and bent quills. after applying oil to the feathers, alastor felt more shivers ripple throughout the wings. it became clear that the angel was struggling to keep his flawed composure under wraps.

amused, alastor experimentally raked his fingers along the connecting feathers, which made a spew of muffled moans erupt from the other's hung-open mouth. the demon noticed the yellowness creeping on the back of lucifer's neck to the very tips of his (nonexistent) ears. how adorable.

the air was so thick with tension that it felt like a presence in the room. as the awkwardness settled in, lucifer felt the need to explain himself. however, his attempt was cut short as fingers once again prodded through his quills, causing him to bite his tongue. meanwhile, alastor shifted his position behind the celestial being, rubbing his groin against the fabric, adding to the discomfort in the room. the angel gasped at the sudden friction grinding against him as his wings fluttered in response.

"my king, would you rather i assist you with a different problem?" the demon purred, his words dripping with seduction. lucifer was so entranced by the sound of his voice that he failed to notice alastor's hand reaching around his body until it was too late. the sensation caused his face to burn with embarrassment. "you don't have to do this," lucifer stammered, attempting to oppose the much-needed offer. but alastor was insistent. "nonsense," he said, "it's my fault. i should take responsibility for my actions, shouldn't i?"

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