Author's Footnotes

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Hello! I'm so glad you found your way through here! I'm Catnip, nice to meet you!

In the furthest reaches of the world lies The Industry, which serves as the abode of many creative minds, from storytellers, singers, writers, and animators alike. Currently, they are under crisis, burning themselves out to entertain the entire world to inspire people in hopes to save them from genocide led by Massacre, a person who wants to purge uncreative minds or ideas that don't adhere to his goals or preferences.

For that reason, The Industry storyboarded and animated Pickle to follow Massacre to accurately predict his moves to hopefully save other people, but after years of doing so is starting to fall off. The Industry knows something has to change, but since they focused too much on saving people, they barely invest time to create something to stop the purge altogether.

That is, until Iggy managed to tag along with Pickle's Journey.

Thank you for showing your interest in the world of Iggy and Pickle as we continuously dive into the Golden Ridge saga of this little story of mine!

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