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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ You had first thought to find Alastor's warehouse by memory but it was a fruitless attempt as the woods that surrounded his home were so dense that Mr.Ray opted against it, seeing as you two would get lost without a proper guide. You wanted to venture off into the woods but with Ray supervising you, you knew you had to take your search elsewhere. You and Mr. Ray had found yourselves on to the bustling streets of New Orleans, specifically targeting the popular French Quarter. The vibrant energy of the city surrounded you, the sounds of jazz music and lively conversations filling the air as you navigated through the crowd.

Your first stop was a renowned jazz club where Alastor was known to frequent and had taken you to only a few nights ago. The sultry melodies spilled out onto the street, drawing in a diverse crowd of music enthusiasts and night owls. The inviting glow of the club's entrance welcomed you back, stirring a mix of heartache and determination within you.

As you stepped inside, the familiar ambiance washed over you—the smooth jazz tunes, the dimly lit stage, and the intimate setting that had once felt so enchanting. The club was alive with activity, patrons enjoying the music, sipping on cocktails, and engaging in lively conversations.

You approached the bartender, a seasoned individual who seemed to have a wealth of knowledge about the club's regulars. With a friendly smile, you inquired about Alastor, describing him as the charming gentleman with a penchant for jazz and a captivating presence.

The bartender's eyes lit up with recognition. "Ah, you're talking about Al," he said with a nod. "He hasn't been around for a while, but he usually shows up later in the evening, closer to midnight."

Your heart raced with anticipation as you thanked the bartender and found a seat at the bar, eagerly awaiting Alastor's arrival. The minutes ticked by slowly, each second filled with anticipation and a hint of apprehension.

As midnight approached, the jazz club seemed to come alive in a different way, the music taking on a more soulful tone, the atmosphere tinged with a sense of mystery and possibility. You glanced around, searching for any sign of Alastor's distinctive presence, hoping that this time, your search would lead to the answers you sought.

As the minutes stretched into midnight, Mr. Ray settled into the seat beside you at the jazz club. His concerned expression didn't go unnoticed as he glanced around the lively venue, the music and laughter swirling around you.

"Miss, I have to say, this whole venture feels like a bad idea," Mr. Ray began, his tone cautious yet firm. "Chasing after someone who seems intent on staying elusive, especially someone like Alastor, might not lead to the answers you're looking for."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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DANCE WITH THE DEVIL ༉ alastor x f!readerWhere stories live. Discover now