chapter 2 (the everlasting war)

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Narrator pov

Sofia had arrived in the secret library when story came to her from the bookshelf & it title read "The everlasting war".the story revealed that mermaid & sirenas hated each other as in the past they used to be friends but when mermaid found out that sirenas hurt humans when they done nothing wrong so they both ties with them. Over time the reason was forgotten & false rumours had spread such as the mermaid being manipulative and liars & while the sirenas were called bloodthirsty monster who would even kill their own kind. One day princess cora went exploring the ocean & met Prince marzel although they started arguing at first but after some time they fell in love. Eventually their parents found out that they seeing each other as a result they separated them from each other. After hearing the story Sofia decided to go to avalor to get help from elena as she good friends with sirenas

Elena pov

I had just been doing some boring paperwork when Sofia had entered into the room from a portal.

"Sofia since when can you open portals?"

"Since I discovered how to"

"So what brings you here?"

After explaining

"I'd love to help plus l'm getting tired from all this paperwork"


Sofia pov

After thanking elena l'd went to merroway Cove & turned into a mermaid. Later l found Oona

"Sofia how are you here? I didn't see your boat"

"Well my amulet has given me the power to open portals "

"That amulet is overpowered"

"Anyway where's cora?"

"She grounded cus she been seeing some nasty sirenas"

"Prince marzel isn't a nasty sirenas & l know he isn't as I have met him"

"How do you know his name?"

After explaining

"Your the storykeeper! When did this happen?

"When I was 9 or 10, anyway we need to talk to your mom to clear up this sirenas confusion"

"After mom grounded cora she went to some other colony for some kind of business so your gonna have to talk to plank"

"Plank seriously"

"Yeah, now let's go convince him & free my sister"


"Plank there you are"

"What do you want?"

O:"you need to free cora now"

"And why should I do that?

After telling him

"Yeah right sirenas will always be bloodthirsty monsters"

S:"l'm telling the truth"

"Then prove it by bringing this book that says this nonsense"

"Fine l'll bring it"

"Whatever you say 'storykeeper''

After l had gotten the book from the secret library l had shown Plank

"Still no"

"Sofia brought your stupid evidence so free my sister"

"Sirenas killed humans that reason enough"

S:but they don't kill humans anymore & they even made a peace treaty"

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