chapter 4 (the engagement)

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Amber pov
Me & Sofia went to go greet elena & isabel

S:"why you here so early?,not that I mind you're here"

I:"I just couldn't wait to see James & invite him to my party ,l mean all of you to my birthday party"

A:"can you ever stop being so obsessive over James?"

I:"He my boyfriend,what do you expect?"

Suddenly baileywick was running down the hall crying with my mom trying to console him

E:"is baileywick okay?"

A:"yes,he just upset that he gonna have to retire"

S:"he not only one who upset from him retiring"

I:"where James?"

S:"he training in the garden for his knight exam"

Isabel then went to see James while me,sofia & elena had a fun talk

A:"you know Sofia has discovered some new powers like opening portals & seeing .....

Sofia suddenly stepped on my shoe


S:"elena already knows amber"

Aunt tilly suddenly came in

E:"duchess matilda It good to see you"

T:"how many times do I tell you to call me tilly or maybe even aunt tilly"

E:"l'll go with tilly"

T:"As long you stop calling me duchess matilda It's fine my dear"

A:"she just agreed that she'll call you tilly so bugging her"

After her aburt entrance elena & isabel went to meet daddy & Gwen (our royal inventer) while we went to see James

Note:isabel & James have been dating for 2 years

At the garden

Sofia pov

S:"how the training been going?

J:"good so far but I need your help"

A:"what is it?"

"I'm planning to propose to isabel at the party but dad won't allow me to leave until I take my knight exam & by then l'll won't be able to get her ring"

S:"don't worry we'll help"

A:"we will?"

S:"why wouldn't we, he our brother"

A:"You're forgetting the part where he an idiot & wouldn't be able to do anything without our help"

J:"l'm not a idiot"

S:"yeah, he isn't a idiot sometimes"

J:"your on her side too"

S:"well you can be a little idiotic at times"

A:"a little more like a lot"

J:"says the entitled brat"


Sofia pov
Later me & amber decided to go distract mom & dad while James tries to escape during the guards break although it took some time to convince amber to help after James remark"

S:"mom there you are"

"Sofia is there something going on with your boyfriend"


"Sorry dear, wanna have some tea?"

"Sure l'd love to have some tea"

"That much easier than l thought" l whispered

"What was that Sofia?"

"Nothing mom"


"Daddy l was hoping to play blazing badminton with you"

"Sorry l've do some king work next time"

"Let me join you after all l'll become Queen in few months"

"I guess it'll be good learning so you can join"

"Thanks daddy you're the best"

James pov
While my parents are distracted t tried to get out & was about to escape when guards caught me. I guess their break ended a little early.

"Your not allowed to leave prince James"

"But l've been given permission by dad"

"Unless he tells us himself you can't leave"

Suddenly aunt tilly came

T:"What going on?"

After the guards explained about what going on. She vouched for me & decided to come with me. I told her about the whole ring situation.

"Thanks for helping me out"

"OF course"

Then we went to few shops to find the ring & l found a beautiful blue saffire ring.

T:"is something wrong? You look a little nervous"

J:"it's just that I'm little nervous about proposing . What if she's says no or doesn't like the ring"

"You know l felt the same way when I proposed to bartleby l felt so..

"you proposed to bartleby!"

"Is there something wrong with me proposing?"

"No it's just that usually men are the ones proposing"

"That explains why sofia was so shocked when l told her all those years ago"

I'd completely forgotten how close Sofia & aunt tilly are. It kinda hurts that they so close but lt my fault for never reaching out to aunt tilly. I might actually have a chance to close to her but for now proposing to isabel is my main objective


"Oh sorry l got caught up in my thoughts"


Isabel pov

Everyone is here for my party except for my boyfriend. I started looking for me & asked many people

I:"elena have you seen James?"

E:"no but I'm sure he'll be here soon"

I soon ran into Sofia & amber

S:"enjoying the party?"

I:"hard to enjoy when your boyfriend isn't here"

A:"just be patient, lt'll be worth it when he'll comes & give your gift"

I:"gift!, What kind of gift?"

S:"it's a surprise so wait"

Tilly started coming towards us

T:"it time for the surprise, sofia do you have the blindfold?"

S:"yup it's right here"

Sofia then put the blindfold on me & l heard someone walking towards me

A:"it's time to it off"

J:"Hey I'm supposed to the talking from here"

A:"Well someone needs to tell her to take off the blindfold"


James took out a sapphire ring

J:"you're the smartest & creative person l've meet so will you be mine?"

"Of course"

After his cool surprise everyone congrated me & James or should I say my fiance


NOTE: hope you liked it so plz tell me where their future wedding should take place in avalor or enchacia in the comments. Plz give me a ⭐️ if you liked it

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