Chapter 1

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Gojo was seriously contemplating to just kill the higher-ups once and for all.

Those old, decrepit fossils had gone and done the one thing that not even Gojo would ever think they were capable of doing. They made sure Gojo was as far away from the school grounds as possible, and then they sent his students on a special-grade mission. Special grade! A grade higher than any of them had ever handled. And they were just first-years.

Gojo was so close to committing mass-murder.

The special-grade mission had gone as horribly wrong as it possibly could have. When Yaga called him to inform him of the situation, he had already felt a sinking feeling in his gut. Those bastards had done this on purpose, Gojo was sure. And now, as he watched his student—his sweet, innocent, kind, wonderful Yuji—lay motionless on the autopsy table, all he wanted was to wipe those old fucks off the face of the Earth.

"You're being emotional for once," Shoko remarked as she stepped beside him, holding a clipboard. "You really had a soft spot for him, huh?"

"Sure," Gojo replied. "I'm a nice guy who looks out for his students."

Shoko snorted. "Right."

She went around to the other side of the autopsy table, standing across Gojo as she prepared her surgical tools.

"So this is Sukuna's vessel," she said, looking down at Yuji's corpse. "So I can dissect him any way I want, right?"

Gojo felt a little pang of sadness at her words. He had always seen Yuji as his own person. Not the vessel for some evil, all-powerful, millenia-old curse, but a young boy who had been thrown into this life and tried his best to do what was right.

"You better make it worth it," he said, his voice coming out softer than he had intended.

"I will," Shoko assured. "Who do you think I am?"

She turned around to gather her tools, and Gojo found himself staring down at Yuji. His eyes were closed, his chest was bare, and there was a huge gaping hole in his chest. Gojo had seen his fair share of death and gore, but the sight still made him uncomfortable.

Ijichi was standing next to Gojo, sweating nervously as he kept his gaze fixed on the floor. Gojo felt the urge to slap him. Not because he blamed Ijichi, but because it would make him feel a bit better.

"I have a dream," Gojo declared suddenly, startling Ijichi.

"A dream?" Ijichi repeated.

"Yup," Gojo nodded. "As they made clear with Yuji, the higher-ups are the scum of the jujutsu world. Selfish idiots, bloodline idiots, proud idiots - just plain idiots."

Ijichi looked increasingly more uncomfortable.

"I'm gonna reset this crappy jujutsu world." Gojo declared.

"Eh?!" Ijichi squeaked.

Gojo continued, ignoring him. "It'd be easy to kill everyone who's in charge. But someone else would just take their place. Nothing would change. And it's not as if people approve of massacres anyway," he shrugged, watching Ijichi squirm. "So that's why I'm turning to education. I need strong and intelligent allies. I need to foster them."

He paused.

"To that end, I'll sometimes assign my missions to them," he explained, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "They are all great. Especially third-year Hakari and second-year Okkotsu. They'll be as good as me someday."

"I-I see," Ijichi mumbled.

Gojo looked at Yuji's dead body and his fists clenched. He had no doubt Yuji would have become an amazing sorcerer as well, if only he had been given the chance.

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