Chapter 3

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When Gojo arrived to the training grounds to check up on the boys, he was definitely not expecting the scene in front of him. Yuji was dodging and deflecting all of Megumi's attacks, and his movements were effortless and graceful.

He watched in awe as Yuji countered every attack, and he was shocked by the boy's skill and precision. So it was true, the kid had improved significantly, and Gojo wondered how. He had always known that the boy had potential, but this was beyond his wildest dreams. The way he moved, the way he fought, it was almost like watching an entirely different person.

And, perhaps, he was.

Neither of them noticed Gojo's presence, and he took the opportunity to observe them, his gaze filled with curiosity. Megumi was breathing heavily, his hair plastered to his forehead, while Yuji was barely winded. It was clear that the former was exhausted, but the latter had more than enough energy to spare.

After a few more minutes, Megumi finally threw in the towel, collapsing onto the ground and panting heavily.

"Good work, Fushiguro," Yuji grinned, his tone cheerful.

"Good work, yourself," Megumi smiled, his tone filled with admiration.

Gojo's breath caught in his throat, and his eyes widened. It was the first time that Yuji had shown any sign of happiness, and it was breathtaking. The boy's smile lit up his whole face, and his eyes sparkled with joy. It was like a ray of sunshine piercing through the dark clouds of grief and despair that had shrouded him since his return.

And Megumi... Megumi was staring at the boy with awe and wonder, his gaze filled with admiration and affection. Gojo had never seen the boy look at anyone like that before, and he wondered if Megumi was even aware of his own feelings.

He watched as the two boys sat down on the grass, their shoulders touching, and their laughter ringing through the air. And he couldn't help but think of another pair of young men, their bond just as strong, and their smiles just as bright.

"Good spar, Satoru," Suguru smiled, his eyes twinkling.

"It was," Gojo grinned.

Suguru laughed and leaned against his shoulder, the two of them basking in the warmth of the setting sun.

"I could stay here forever," the dark haired man declared, his voice filled with contentment.

"You'd better," the white haired man smirked, nudging his friend.

The dark haired man smiled, and gazed up at the sky, his expression peaceful.

"Hey, Satoru," he murmured, his voice thoughtful. "Do you think we'll always be together? I mean, will we still be best friends in the future?"

Gojo was quiet, and he leaned against his friend, feeling the weight of the other man's body.

"I'd like to think so," the white haired man mused, his voice wistful.

Suguru chuckled, and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Yeah," he agreed, his voice soft. "Me too."

Gojo blinked, his mind returning to the present. His gaze fell upon the two boys again, and his heart ached. He could never get Suguru back, but maybe he could protect these boys. Maybe he could help them grow and flourish. Maybe he could keep them from making the same mistakes that he had made.

"Yuji, Megumi!" he called out, his tone jovial.

"Gojo-sensei," Yuji turned to him, his smile fading.

"Looks like you boys are having fun," Gojo grinned.

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