2. Fish can't scream

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"Misty" Shane's voice outside her tent pulls her attention from counting the threads on her sleeping bag. "You in there?" Knowing Misty won't respond verbally, he unzips the tent and peeks his head in. Misty sits up and his eyes land on her slightly bruised cheek, his jaw tightens and he looks away for a second then back to her eyes, "I'm taking Carl frog hunting, why don't you come down with us and get some air?"

Misty shakes her head no and then lays back down, facing away from him but she doesn't hear him leave. "Come on sweetheart, it'll be fun" He sighs when Misty doesn't move, his voice sounds more serious "Did your dad do that to you?"

She sits up and looks at him, reaching up to touch her cheek and winces at the feeling. She doesn't nod in response but he knows, they both know.

"I won't let him lay a hand on you again. You have my word." They just stare at each other for a few seconds and then he extends his hand and tilts his head to the side, "Come on, Carl is waiting for you."

She takes his hand and walks with him and Carl down to the quarry. Carl is staring at her cheek but Shane gives him a look and he doesn't ask any questions.

Soon the kids are splashing in the water and Misty is laughing with Carl trying to catch frogs. There definitely aren't actually any frogs in the Quarry but Misty was having a lot of fun splashing Carl and trying to dodge his splashes towards her.

She was laughing so hard her stomach hurt until she saw her Daddy walking up and her smile fell, her blood running cold. "Misty! What the hell did I say to you girl!" He's obviously angry and she hands the bucket to Carl with her head down and starts walking to the shore but Shane puts a hand on her shoulder.

"You guys keep playing" He looks at her and Carl and then gets out of the water.

Of course she can't keep playing and neither can Carl, they're both staring at Shane as he approaches Misty's dad.

Shane shoves him back and he swings at Shane but misses. Shane tackles him to the floor and he's swinging punches into him over and over and over again. Misty starts crying and the women who were washing the laundry across the quarry start running over to pull Shane off but he stops swinging. "Put your hands on your little girl again or anyone in this camp I will not stop, Do you hear me?" He punches him again and waits for a response. "Do you hear me!"

"Yes...yes.." her Daddy chokes out through a bloody mouth and Shane gets off of him and starts walking back up to camp. Lori takes Carl by her side and walks up too. Misty leans down to try and help her Daddy but he sits up and shoves her away, wiping his face with his shirt as he walks back towards camp.

He laid down in the tent and Misty didn't want to bother him so she went to the RV to hang out with Dale. He always gives her books to read and sometimes he reads to her while on watch but when she goes into the trailer she doesn't see him. She climbs the side of the trailer and goes to the top, still no Dale. She picks up his binoculars and looks around with them until she spots Dale and Jim and a few others in the field where Jim is digging holes. Why is he digging holes? It's too hot to dig holes.

She puts the binoculars down and decides it's the perfect time to go look for her notepad. While all the adults are distracted. Misty climbs down the trailer and walks in the direction she might have lost it and starts looking around on the ground. She finds a few cool looking rocks and slides them into her pocket, then she sees a little caterpillar making its way across a branch and bends down on her knees to watch closer. I wonder what it would be like to be a caterpillar, just crawling from one spot to another, eating leaves. She gets back to looking for her notepad but she doesn't find anything and it's starting to get late, the sun is almost setting so, she decides to head back to camp empty handed.

Misty walks right by a tree trunk where Jim is sitting, tied up and she tilts her head at him, with a questioning look on her face. "Sun cooked my head is all, I'm fine" he smiles but he doesn't look fine. Misty walks over to the tub of water and scoops some into a cup then walks back over to him, putting the cup to his mouth so he can drink some water. Misty remembers when she played outside for too long one day in the summer and the sun cooked her head. Her mom said she needed water, maybe that's what Jim needs.

He drinks almost all of it and nods, "Thank you" she nods and places the cup on the picnic table.

Most of the people at camp are gathered by the fire pit "I built up the rocks all around, see? So the flames can be a little higher and still be hidden." She looks over and Dale stops setting up chairs when he catches a glimpse of her and starts walking over.

"What have you been up to?" Dale smiles down at Misty, ruffling the top of her hair and waits for her to write the answer down but she doesn't reach for her notepad. "Where's your notebook?"

She just shrugs and he sighs, "Don't worry, I'm sure I can find you something in the trailer you can write on. Come sit and eat some fish" Misty smiles and follows him to the fire.

IMisty is sitting on the ground by Dale eating her fish while he is telling everyone about his watch. Once she's done she puts some fish on a plate for her Daddy and starts heading towards their tent. She reaches to unzip the tent but there's already a hole torn through the front of it. Then she hears it. growling.... groaning .....then screaming... walkers.

She drops the plate and turns around to run back towards the others but she's met face to face with her Daddy. Except, it doesn't look like him. His neck is torn open from what looks like a bite and he's stumbling toward her. She tries to run around him but he grabs the sleeve of her shirt and she lets out a scream, looking up at the bloody, dead face staring back down at her. His jaws are snapping as he leans down closer to her and she can't get out from under his grip.

She doesn't have time to process what just happened when she feels an arm wrap around her torso then she's lifted off the ground. "I got you." Daryl carries her back to the rest of the group, setting her down and standing in front of her, "Stay behind me" He yells over the gunshots and the screaming as he takes a shotgun to the heads of the remaining walkers. Misty presses the palms of her hands into her ears to block out the noise but it's not working.

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