1. Tag, You're It

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The feeling of the little beetle crawling slowly across Misty's hand tickles her dirty skin. At first, she really didn't like feeling sweaty and dirty but it's something she has learned to get used to. It's been a few weeks now, maybe months since the outbreak happened. It's hard to keep track. It feels like it's been years, but it hasn't.

"Come on sweetheart, I'm taking Sofia down to the quarry to clean up. Why don't you grab your towel and come with? I can brush that knot out of your hair too." Carol's soft spoken voice breaks Misty's thoughts as she stood and brushed the dirt off her pants. Carol brushed the top of Misty's messy ginger hair as she walked past her towards her and Daddy's tent.

She walks past Amy yelling at Shane, "We have to go after them, they need our help!"

"You know the rules, I can't risk the rest of the group's safety to go help them, you know that." Shane seemed reasonable enough, but Amy was still upset.

Once Misty reached hers and her Daddy's tent she pulled the zipper open and stepped inside.

"What the hell are you doin girl?!" her Daddy quickly covered his eyes with his arms like the sun hurt. He did that sometimes on Sunday mornings back when everything was good. It seems like it happened a lot more since they got to this camp.

Misty didn't open her mouth to respond, she hasn't in a long time. She points to her crumpled up towel in the corner of the tent and he scoffs and rolls over, burying his head in his sleeping bag. She takes that as her sign to grab her towel and get out as quickly as possible. She starts digging through her bag for clothes to change into but all of her clothes are gone. Misty's heart starts to race and she contemplates waking her Daddy up to ask him but just decides to wear her dirty clothes after and leave the tent.

On her walk to the quarry she spotted one of her t-shirts pinned to a clothes line drying. Lori must have taken my dirty clothes to wash with the rest. She turns on her heels and heads towards her tent.

Misty steps into Lori and Carl's tent, "Oh Misty hun, I didn't hear you come up" Lori is buttoning her shirt quickly and Shane is buckling his pants in a hurry. Were they changing together? Weird

"Did you need something hun?" Lori asks as Shane not so discreetly leaves the tent. Misty pulls out her little notebook and pencil and writes "My clothes" then holds the notepad up so Lori can see.

"Oh of course! I just figured I would wash them while I washed Carl's, your dad doesn't seem very motivated these days." There was a different tone in her voice on the part about Misty's Dad. Once she handed Misty a clean shirt and shorts she made her way down to the quarry with Carol and Sofia.

Once the kids were both washed up and changed into clean clothes Misty watched Carol brush Sofia's hair as they all sat on the picnic bench. Moments like this make Misty miss her mom. She misses the way she would brush her hair, gently, making sure not to pull on any knots. She would braid it so it wouldn't get tangled. She would kiss Misty's forehead when she was done. Misty missed her everyday but she missed her more when she saw Carol and Lori doing things her mother used to.

"Your turn Misty, come here." Carol patted her hand down on the seat in front of her after Sofia got up but Misty didn't move. "You have to let me brush the knots out or Lori will have to cut it out." She was stern but still sweet. Misty sighed and moved to sit where Sofia was sitting. The brush snags on the knots and she winces. "Sorry sweetheart, I'll be gentle." and she was until her hair was free of knots "I'm going to braid it so it doesn't get knotted okay?" Misty practically jumps out of the seat and takes a few steps away.

My mom braided my hair, she's the only one who can braid my hair.

She starts shaking her head no as fast as she can, "Okay okay, I don't have to braid it, we can leave it..okay?" Misty nods and then both of their attention is pulled to the sound of a car alarm getting louder and Misty looks around for her Daddy and he's talking to Shane so she runs over to them.

Misty Days | The Walking Dead FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon