Chapter 2

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"FOUND anything?" Inspector Isaac asked the team, to which he was responded with a shake of their heads. The inspector looked at the deceased body of the former chief-of-police placed inside the car.

The car with a dead body was found under the crossing highway bridge that is surrounded by tall corn plant. An uncommon, uncemented and secluded area with a river not afar from the coast. While the eerie and silence of this place causes the absence of the surveillance camera around here.

Isaac's eyes intently examined the stabbed area of the deceased, which now happened to be one of the most brutal crimes that he had encountered for ten years in this field. "What a psychopath..." he murmured at the sight of the head barely attached to the neck upon hanging on one side. His head slowly shook. He got up on his feet and continued searching the place to look for leads.

Surprisingly, though, his search led him to nowhere as nothing unusual can be observed in this area. He only found a few belongings of the victim and nothing out of the ordinary appeared. Or... at least to his case.

"Sir..." One of the team called with a tinge hint of disbelief in his voice. His gazes were attached to the thing he found, rendering his voice to say more. Thus, the inspector was prompted to initiate going to his direction instead.

"What is that—" but his words dropped upon recognizing that thing. He looked at it with pure bewilderment and surprise, but at the same time, confused about what he should feel in this discovery. "Why is it here...?" he murmured after he recovered from the shock.

Some cops from the same team caught their attentions, resulting them in coming their way to their direction out of curiosity about the sudden atmosphere they possessed. But just like the inspector's reaction, the others also have the same as soon as their eyes laid on that thing.

"What the—!" breathlessly, one of them exclaimed.

"Does that mean..." the words were cut short, still unable to process the common conclusion that they have arrived in their minds right now. "No, it couldn't be!"


IT WAS a long boring night—at least to Illinois—as he is never a fan of such gathering. However, he still couldn't help but to socialize and engage with small talks with his fellows, to at least build his image in this industry. And doing all those sorts of thing made his social battery drained resulting him in instantly going to bed right after the event—after his escape rather.

In the middle of the emerging sun from the horizon, Illinois woke up to a dry throat. He decided to go to the kitchen to have a glass of water, still wearing the suit. However, his attention was instantly directed to the entrance door, when aggressive knocks and doorbell surfaced.

It left an aggravation to him. So, he went toward the door to open it for whoever the person is disturbing the neighborhood at this hour, and give him an earful.

But the person he had least expected welcomed before him. Moreover, the very statement that he had uttered, including a piece of paper presented to him. "Illinois Nate Williams, you're under arrest for the killing of the former Chief-Of-Police Henry Wills."

"What the hell is this?" Illinois responded with puzzlement and utmost shock, leaving the drowsiness in him. His eyes lingered to the paper that is a warrant of arrest.

"You're regarded as the person of interest for this crime. Come with us to the station." Inspector Isaac said, with no sense of familiarity and recognition in his voice, as though he's facing a mere stranger.

Illinois frowned as it seemed so absurd and ridiculous to comply, also noting the accusation trailed to him. But somehow, a thought appeared in his mind that boggles him—the fact that they got the warrant indicates that they have sufficient evidence to point him. And that enough left his mind wrecking.

"You're barking at the wrong tree here, inspector. How in the world could I commit such crime?" his voice tightened and raised a bit as his strong gazes aimed at the inspector.

"You can explain the rest to the station." The inspector answered and made a gesture that prompted the others to take a move in hopes to cuff him up.

"I won't." he replied abruptly with conviction, standing on his ground as he moved inward the condo, gripping on the door's edge. The cops knitted their eyes into slits. "I won't be taking anyone's responsibility. You're mistaken—"

Inspector Isaac grabbed the handcuffs, and harshly wore it to him. "The hell are you doing, inspector?!" Illinois raised his voice at the top of his lungs as he tried to fight back the force.

"You should've known better," Isaac looked at him with his lifeless eyes. "That it takes a thorough procedure to prove whether one's guilty or not." He then grabbed him by the arm and forced him out of the condominium.

But Illinois didn't move, as his feet glued to the floor, locking a staring contest with the inspector.

"I don't know what in the world you have found that linked to me. But one thing is for certain... I didn't kill that old man." His eyes blazed with conviction, but he was just reciprocated with the stoic look of the inspector.

And so, Illinois was dragged out of the condominium, while some police remained to have his condo examined.

The news about him being the person of interest spread like a wild fire with just one click of the button on the media, leaving different reactions from the citizens which is mostly hatred.

Upon put in the custody, Illinois is observing the station. He didn't think that he would come back here not as a cop, but a suspect. He still couldn't fathom this occurrence, and he's beginning to feel the peak of rage for this injustice. How in the world is he now accused for that horrific crime?

"Inspector, wouldn't you at least justify this accusation?" Illinois remarked, gaining attentions from the cops. "I already told you it wasn't me. You could have done better and explored the crime scene further." He added, lecturing them.

Inspector Isaac pulled something out of his inner jacket, revealing a necklace with a thick thread-like lace and a pendant of justice symbol, inside the plastic cellophane. Illinois' eyes dilated in surprise as soon as it laid on it.

"This belongs to you, doesn't it?"

"Also, the fact that you had a beef with the former chief... this kind of makes sense." Kyle, one of the cops, said.

"Breaking news. Illinois Nate Williams, a former detective in Wallis Station, is reported to be the person of interest for the killing of the former chief-of-police. Although the investigation is still going on, one of his belongings was found in the crime scene." The volume from the television took over the station.

Illinois was left stunned with his feet glued to the floor for some unknown reason. The words from the inspector just keeps on ringing in his ears without prior consciousness about it. His widened eyes stared at nothingness, when an unfamiliar memory appeared in his mind where someone told him the same thing. It left a tingling sensation to his head, causing him to let out a small groan due to an unexplained pain.

"I... I have to get out of here... I have to..." he kept on murmuring while his cuffed hand tightly gripped on his forehead. His sight began to blur, and the last thing he heard was the cops calling out his name.

Illinois woke up to a white ceiling, only to find out that he's at the hospital. He frowned for a moment, wondering how he got here. But his eyes dilated when the recent event was brought back to his consciousness. He immediately got up, but he was taken aback when he was dragged back down to the hospital bed because of the handcuff.


He looked around him, and noticed that no one is guarding him while everyone is busy doing their own thing. "This is my chance." 

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