Chapter 8

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IT DIDN'T take long for Illinois to recover from the surprise, as he abruptly jumped forward to catch that woman. But her reflexes were astounding as she avoided the hand and then sprinted away from him.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" he shouted between his breath and had his long brawny legs chase after her. His tone up voice caught the attention of some, turning their heads to him as he ran toward that woman. Fortunately, he's covered with all black clothes including his face, none of those people can recognize him in public.

The woman in a bob-cut hair, wearing a baggy jeans and turtle neck, casted a glance behind her. But her eyes widened in astonishment as she saw Illinois just a few meters away from her.

"Right, he's a detective—" she groaned between her pants as she seemingly was out of breath. But she didn't stop there and turned to one alleyway in hopes to find somewhere she can hide.

As the clouds moved across the sun, the passage has become low in contrast and the surroundings became grayish. Something from within her mind was triggered, making her wrist hit her temple to get rid of it as she slowed down. However, her mind still kept on visioning and replaying the wild gigantic fire in a gloom surrounding that danced around, while everyone was terrified.

"Argh! That again!" she hissed and kept on hitting her head. She was gradually overcoming that memory, but she always gets slapped by reality whenever it appeared in her mind. After all, it was an illusion in her mind that made her believe that she was overcoming it.

Her breathing became heavy as her seemingly wrapped heart crazily beat. She could barely inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. She leaned on the gray concrete wall, listening to her heart thumping so loud as her stomach seemingly turned. But then, she was prompted to turn her head to the left side in a gradual manner when a heavy presence emerged.

Her eyelids though are becoming heavy for her to lift up which is a failure to see the entirety of this man who appeared. Until the darkness cradled her and eventually lost her consciousness.

Hours after as the sun head downward, the woman woke up to an eggshell-like colored ceiling, while the light bulb directly met her eyes meters away from the bed where she's laying. She tried to get up, but stinging pain jolted on her head. She winced at that sensation.

"You're up." Her head turned to one side upon hearing a baritone voice. But her eyes left expanded as soon as they laid on to the person who just spoke. In an instant, the pain in her head suddenly gone.

"Y-You!" she was about to raise her hand, but realization struck to her when she felt them behind her and the tight rope around her wrist. "Damn... I'm fucked up." She whispered and gritted her teeth.

"Where am I?" she asked later on with an innocent look on her face. Her eyes roamed around to get a full view of the place. Her brows sank when something dawned to her as her eyes caught mini kitchen, bedside table, turned on television, and dining table. "H-Hey... Don't tell me..." her voice trailed off when an idea seemingly absurd cross in her mind.

Is he living here? In this cheap-like room? Ridiculous! He's hella rich! She spoke nonverbally in the back of her mind with conflicted looks. But why would he bring me here? She asked as she nervously look at him.

"Where's my wallet?" Illinois is sitting on the mono block with his arms crossed and legs spread. He had his soul-sucking siren gray eyes linger at hers, as though he was reading her mind like a book.

"I'll ask once again, where... is my wallet?" he asked slowly. But the woman just responded by aggressively biting her own lower lip as she avoided his gaze.

It was not Illinois' plan to capture her, but the oddity and possibility for her to go after the police to surrender his wallet to them, crossed in his mind. It would have them trail his tracks sooner, and he couldn't gamble with that probability.

"Uhm..." the woman whose face covered with her fringes, took a huge gulp. With her unstable eyes, she continued. "Actually..." silence followed, but she eventually gave in and told him about her encounter with those seemingly thug men, whom she ended up surrendering his wallet.

Illinois earnestly closed his eyes, restraining himself to burst out. He opened them after seconds and met gazes with the woman. "Did you use one of my cards?" the woman shook her head gradually, making him sigh in relief. But realizing that those thugs could've used it already shook him.

"Do you remember how they look like?"

However, the woman's attention was diverted to the television in front of her, when a news suddenly flashed in the middle of the replayed football game.

"Oh-my-fucking-gosh..." she murmured as her bulged eyes were glued to the screen where Illinois' profile was flashed. Illinois turned his head to the television, but no sense of surprise is hinted on his face.

"Illinois Nate Williams, a runaway criminal is traced at the countryside where one of his credit cards was used. Anyone who came across with him should give a call to the police to restrain him as soon as possible before he could commit another murder." He expected this. As soon as his wallet was out of his possession, he knew this would happen.

"Oh my God..." breathlessly she whispered between her heavy breath. She slowly turned her head to him, and she was greeted with the look of bewilderment on his face.

"You didn't know?" he asked upon observing her reaction.

"Oh God... a detective... a murderer... what the heck..." her eyes unstably roamed each side of the room, as her heart began to race fast once again. "Come to think of it... you were in a suit when I bumped into you... and that man... that man was in a suit as well... shit."

Illinois leaned forward to her as soon as he heard the last statement, having the woman stiffed and curled up upon sitting on the bed. "What? You really witnessed it?" Illinois discarded that thought upon knowing she's a swindler even though he actually did see the dead body, but now that she said it herself... It must be true after all.

"What else can you remember?"

The woman trembled in fear as her skin became white. "W-Why... are y-you g-going to k-kill me t-too?" tears ran down in her eyes as she locked gazes with Illinois whose eyes screamed with eagerness, eagerness of something she couldn't name.

"Damn it!" Illinois had his veiny hands grabbed her by the shoulder rashly. "Do you remember or no?!" his raw husky voice filled the room, as the restraining overwhelming emotions poured out at her. The nerve on his temple pulsated visibly.

But the woman just sobbed in response. Moments later, she got on her knees while her hands were still tied behind her.

"P-Please... s-spare my life..." a lump stuck on her throat as her pleading eyes gazed with Illinois. "I... I'll do... whatever you want..." red rim circled around her puffy '1eyes as they kept pouring tears. "Please... I still have... I still have to know the truth about..." her voice trailed off as she seemingly couldn't utter more words.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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