Chapter 6

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AN UNPRECEDENTED circumstance arose, ending up the two remaining cops to leave the station and go to the place said by a witness which is apparently near to the bank where Illinois' card was used. Kyle left the monitor open and went together with Kean.

While the latter was pressing hard the engine, Kyle is making a call for the inspector to bring the news. "Alright, we're going to head there right away." The inspector replied hurriedly.

It was at their advantage to get there easily, however, since they didn't mean to go there firsthand, they haven't prepared a tool like flashlight to illuminate the crime scene. The scene is way too dark and empty without the street lights.

"Crap." Inspector Isaac uttered as he was dawned by the tool at the station. The bump light of the car lit the white car before them. They immediately went out while wearing latex gloves, and intentionally left the bump light on.

Just a meter away beside the white car, an old bulky man was sight shivering in cold with his face that indicates fear. Philip was prompted to go to his direction and offered his black leather jacket. "It seemed like he's the one who called the police." Sam and the inspector turned his head to him and the old man. But instead of going to their direction, the two opted to head toward the opened door of the white car.

"Whew." Sam blew air threw his nose and embraced himself when the cold misty wind hugged him. They gradually approached the white car, but Sam instinctively halted when Inspector Isaac raised his right hand at the level of his head.

"Someone has been here before us..." the inspector dilated his eyes as it laid to a footprint at approximately ten inches measure, slightly across the opened door of the driver's seat.

"Hm? Could it be from that old man?" Sam casted a glance at Philip's direction. But he immediately discarded the thought when he noticed the old man is too short for ten inches footprint.

"No..." Isaac leaned one knee on the ground and observed the pattern of the shoe. He took a photo of it, and proceeded to check further the area.

But he was taken aback when his eyes laid to the head of the corpse. "Oh, God gracious..."

Sirens from the police car is then heading toward their directions as it came from a faint sound in their ears to a full blast. Kean and Kyle together with the forensic team, emerged inside from the police cars. But neither of the two paid attentions to them, other than Philip.

"It's done akin to the previous case..." Sam muttered as his eyes laid on the busted neck with the head hanging on the edge of the seat.


Meanwhile, Philip left the shivering old man when the others took care of him, and when his eyes caught a glimpse of something on the ground. His brows furrowed at the sight of another footprint across the passenger seat of the white car.

"Inspector, may I ask for your estimation of the size of the footprint?" Philip asked with his eyes still glued to the ground.

"About ten inches. Why?" Philip didn't say a thing when he distinguished the differences of the footprints that he and the inspector have found. What he had seen is about eight inches size which still differs from the old man who's now withdrawn from the crime scene.

"There's more than one person who have been here..." he muttered, etching a surprise look on their faces. They went toward his direction and had a closer look of the footprint, but their attention was eventually redirected when Kean called them out of nowhere.

"Guys... I think you need to see this." Kean muttered when his eyes met a familiar accessory on the backseat of the white car. The forensic team had already discarded the body, and they are now beginning to take every piece found inside that may be of help to the investigation later on.

Kean took out the necklace with a thick thread-like lace and justice symbol as the pendant. His eyes trailed to it and let it hang on his finger with everyone's widened eyes aimed at it.

I. N.W.

AT LAST, Illinois have finally got a good night sleep upon his stay in the inn at the countryside, after strolling last night to find that mysterious guy. His disguise as an old man has seemed to work out because the receptionist didn't find his physical appearance suspicious and familiar. He woke up to a blinding sunlight that goes in through the window. Normally, he would protest the sunlight and gets back to sleep instantly, but the circumstances changed his routine.

He immediately got up from the bed to prepare himself for a chase after that mysterious man. He was supposed to head toward the comfort room, but his phone suddenly rang, making him jumped toward the bed to get it.

"Shit, I forgot to turn this off!" he hissed as the realization dawn on him, feeling agitated. However, the unregistered number calling him had him halted. He looked at it with a frown for a moment before deciding to answer it. He didn't say a thing, and waited for the other line to speak first.

"Illinois..." his eyes glanced at the phone with his brows furrowing upon hearing an unfamiliar hoarse voice muttering his name. "This is me, your uncle. Meet me at the Abiza Mall rooftop." His brows sank even more when he heard something obscure. But now that he mentioned his relation with him, he has someone in mind that leads to who specifically he is.

There's only one person who meddles with an affair since then, especially about company matter. "Uncle Jordan..." he murmured between his teeth.

"For what reason should I comply?" he asked in his low baritone voice with a hint of skepticism. He knew well he's a blood related, but his situation right now just makes him doubt everyone.

But the uncle deflected his question. "Rest assured no one will be eyeing on you." Uncle Jordan responded and ended the call right away. Illinois' face indicates bothersome when the other line cut the call.

On the comfort of the bed, he let its softness carry his wholeness while his mind is contemplating to come up with decision. He's giving a deep thorough thought about his uncle's invitation. That was unprecedented, though he knew he most likely get engage with this matter, he didn't see it coming for him to get involve still. After all, this one is serious among the rest.

As the small hand of the clock ticking, Illinois' mind is becoming vague and confused as well while battling for a decision. Suddenly, he jumped out of the bed abruptly and gazed at the landscape of the countryside through the window, with a clear judgment.

He made up his mind.

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