{Three} 🩵Discovering the truth🩵

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About a month into the school year

Jake and Luke were practicing their luminescence magic for an upcoming tournament. "Hey Jake. What's that?" Luke asked mid fight causing the blond to look behind him. Luke smirked and shot a light beam at him causing him to fall on his butt.

"Hey!" Jake pouted causing Luke to let out a laugh. Both boys were ranked 1 and 86 for their division, despite Jake having the top rank he still would get distracted easily.

"Sorry, couldn't help myself. But how are you top rank? I mean you're only a third term." Luke asked helping him up. He got a shrug in response.

"I just win a lot of competitions, wanna go again? We could use our wands if you want."

"Nah, better to strengthen our main spells rather than the general." He grinned, they got into positions once more. But there was a change, when Jake had tried to cast a luminescence spell water shot out of his hand. It hit Luke hard, sending the boy flying into the wall.

"Luke!" Jake called shocked and worried, he rushed to the soaked boys side.

"I-I'm fine, what was that?" He sat up weakly.

Jake took out his wand to preform a healing spell, "I don't know, but stay still."

After Luke was fine the boys sat down and talked. "You okay?"

"Yes, what about you?" Luke asked still a little shaken up.

"I feel tired, like really tired." He sighed rubbing his forehead.

"You should go see professor Rosy, she might be able to help. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation." He patted his back.

"Okay, I guess I'll go now. See you in a bit, we still meeting with the rest of the group at our dorm later?" Jake asked turning around as he was walking off.

"Yeah, bye!" Luke called waving.


"Professor Rosy?" Jake asked knocking on her main office door. She opened it, with a sad expression.

"Hello Jake, come in." She signaled pointing to a chair and closing the door behind him.

"I-". He began but she held her hand up.

"Yes I know why you're here, it was just a matter of time." She sighed sitting down as well.

"Wait but how?!" He asked extremely confused.

"I assume you were practicing your division magic and another divisions magic appeared?" She raised an eyebrow playfully, this enhanced his shook expression.

"Why yes but-". He said but once again she held her hand up.

"Please, let me finish. When you were getting selected for a division your first term, we didn't tell you that you had gotten 100% for each of the divisions. Assuming it was a glitch we had just placed you in luminescence. But the council had a hunch that something will go terribly wrong soon, they predicted about a week before school started."

"Okay, so I'm able to preform all the division spells. What does this have to do with anything?" Jake asked a little startled to learn all this.

"I think you remember learning about Ezekiel?" She asked looking at him.

"Yes, the powerful sorcerer? Wasn't he defeated by two powerful people already?" Jake asked slightly confused.

"Not exactly, we sensed he's returning. But I was one of them, Felix was the other. Oh how close of friends we were, but he gave his life to protect our world." She said with a hint of sadness.

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