Chapter 1-Acquaintance

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. At night... rain... thunder, a forest with dense trees, dark at night, the darkness of terror, a hut in the middle of the forest made of wood, from which a single light emanates, in it is a girl wearing a long white dress and short black hair, her hands are shackled with iron cages and a cloth is covering her mouth. Her airway and speech were disturbed, she was clearly asleep and exposed

He was severely tortured before it appeared to us

Oh beautiful woman...don't be afraid

You will die soon. I will kill you quickly, and you will not feel better. He turned to her, holding a knife in his hand, and approached her. He placed it on her neck while laughing maniacally until the door opened forcefully.

Blue and red lights cover the forest

He pulled his weapon from his pocket, stand there, the police are surrounded

The area advises you to hand over the girl, otherwise you will be killed

The crazy killer had signs of astonishment, but he smiled and pulled the knife to the girl's neck. A group of police entered

They quickly dropped him to the ground and held his two hands tightly together with handcuffs


Damn the cop. He would have killed her if the leader, Senkono, knew about it

His victims were leaning against the door, sighing, until a police car arrived

"Lieutenant Leon"

He got out of the police car, with a large build, dark skin, sharp gray eyes, and black hair held back by a rubber band.

He felt that everyone saluted him and headed towards that policeman

Leon: Are things okay?

Yolo: Yes sir, but the victim was killed

Leon entered and approached her torso to examine it, damn it!! We couldn't save you... He turned towards the killer who was watching him with smiles


The killer: Beautiful, right, haha........ Look at her neck, you can see her insides

Clearly with hysterical laughter

Leon walked up to him and hit him in the face with a punch that made him enter

deep sleep

Leon, take him away from my face immediately. Leo, who was in front, turned around

The Door

When did you receive the warning?

Yolo: About a quarter of an hour


Leon: He shouted to the crew, "When the delay was a quarter of an hour," she died

The victim because of your delay

Everyone fell silent and bowed their heads as they heard a voice

His steps heading to the car, then he moved to another place, specifically in a house in the middle of a residential complex. A woman was screaming from the kitchen as she was preparing breakfast at night. You are late. Didn't you say that your appointment at ten o'clock has ten minutes left?

Hurry up!

The sound of a fall in the hallway of the house."

Mother: Are you okay?

Lilia: I think so

Where are my shoes?

Mother: In front of the door

Night and my wallet

The mother is on the table

Lilia car keys

The mother turned around while holding an iron pot in her hand:

Another question and I will leave you counting the number of birds in your brain

Lilia, laughing: Well, I was kidding you. I kissed her and left


Lilia: My mother broke the blue vase, haha, I love you

She ran out of the house and left her screaming behind her while carrying the shoe

However, I advise you not to come in the evening, thank you.

I did not introduce myself to you. I am Lilia, 24 years old

My child loves playing with weapons and policemen. "I opened a door.

"The sound of a fall in the hallway of the house."

Mother: Are you okay?

Lilia: I think so

Where are my shoes?

Mother: In front of the door

Night and my wallet

The mother is on the table

Lilia: Car keys

The mother turned around while holding an iron pot in her hand:

Another question and I will leave you counting the number of birds in your brain

Lilia, laughing: Well, I was kidding you. I kissed her and left


Lilia: My mother broke the blue vase, haha, I love you

She ran out of the house and left her screaming behind her while carrying the shoe

However, I advise you not to come in the evening, thank you.

I did not introduce myself to you. I am Lilia. I am 24 years old. Since I was young, I have loved playing with weapons and policemen. "I opened the car door and got in." And now I am a policewoman. I was appointed not long ago. It was difficult at first, but I got used to the crew. It happened to me. An embarrassing situation at the beginning of my work, brother... I wished I would die at that moment. Do you want to know?

What's happened . Well I'll tell you about it as I go to the section

Police... "The sound of a car moving"

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