Chapter 3-operation

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Well, you don't know where the embarrassing thing is, right? Carry on

The story and you will know

Lilia arrived in front of the department, chanting

Lilia: Okay, calm down. He's your boss. You have to calm down

She got out of her car wearing a short white dress and hair

She was separated to enter the section. Everyone greeted her and she too

She quickly went to one of the policewomen

Is Lieutenant Leon here???

One of the female soldiers answered

Yes, he went up to his hall a little while ago, and he was angry that you were late

the job

Lilia: She put her head against the wall while saying

Oh, I don't want to meet him, oh my God

She was climbing the stairs, counting from one to one hundred, to calm down

She tensed up to stand in front of his hall. She opened the door and saw him flipping through the files and studying them. Yes, the same person she slept with a month ago was her boss.

The department and she is his deputy

Lilia: Good morning, sir. Did you call me?

Leon: Change your clothes quickly, and come there is something important

Lilia turned around at night and was thinking: What is the important matter? Do you wonder if he remembered that I slept with him? She was thinking until she felt a strong blow to her chest.

I answered her at night: Oh, my head, you stupid door, ah... Leon was looking at her in amazement and continued looking at the flash drive that was sent to him while she was

I quickly got out of the situation I was in

Yolo entered the headquarters after Leon called him

"Greetings, Sir, did you ask for me?" Leon motioned for him to enter

the hall

I received a flash drive in the email this morning, and when I opened it, I found an audio recording of someone talking to another person

His words were interrupted by the entry of Lilia, who quickly headed to Leon's side

She is carrying coffee

Lilia: Good morning, Mr. Liu

Yolo was grinding his teeth angrily: My name is Yolo, not Leo!

Go on, Lieutenant

Leon continued his words

I think they are smugglers

In the flash:

. Sir, I think this is a dangerous thing... The coastal police will find out about us

I carry out orders silently, knowing that my plan will fail

. And the group of children inside

. Strong knock on the desk: You idiot, they are a group of children

Homeless women, orphans, thieves and beggars, there is no one who will ask

About them or feel their absence. On the contrary, I will cleanse the earth of failures like them and take their organs so that you can sell them and make money from them, and now drug them.

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