Chapter 8-Special tonight

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Lilia headed the first aid kit towards Leon, who was smoking


What are you doing on the balcony, "Lilia?" Come in so I can treat your shoulder wound. Hurry. Leon turned to her and saw her in his short white shirt. He threw his cigarette on the ground and approached her with heavy, fresh steps.


Every step he took was equivalent to a step backwards for Lily

Then he stopped in front of her

He went down to her ears and said: You are very sexy in this dress of yours. I envy this shirt for sticking to you. Lilia smiled a sarcastic smile and pressed on his wound.

Leon: Oh, it hurts

Lilia: Move in front of me so I can treat it for you

Leon sat down and Lilia was on his shoulder treating him

Lilia: Leon! From naira?

Leon: My nanny

Lilia: Where is your mother?

Leon, after a short silence: She died an hour after I gave birth

Lilia: I'm sorry for you

Lilia bandaged his wound and stood in front of his face... She held his face with both hands and placed her face facing his: I want to know everything...

Something about your life

Leon was focused with her lips: He smiled and said, "What do you want to do?"

You know

Lilia: Everything

He pulled her white shirt up and started kissing her neck

He slowly unbuttons his shirt, but knowing this information will cost you something

Lilia got up nervously from above him: Stop... This is embarrassing. Leon got up smiling: I am a man and it is difficult to curb my lust.

And your dress makes me irritated, so don't blame me

Lilia: Really!!!! I asked you a question that you did not answer.

Leon raised his hand, pointing towards Lilia... Give me your hand. My mother died an hour after I was born, and at that time my father did not

Lilia slowly brought her hand towards his. He pulled her towards him and made her sit next to him

With her back resting on his chest as he touched her with movements

Her stomach is round

He couldn't raise me, so he hired a nanny, who is now Naira... after all

Two years after my mother died, my father died.. It was a naira at that time

18 years old and could not take care of me, the government took me to

The one loved me there...or rather no one loved me

The other was there, but my weakness and young age at that time made it

Everyone enjoys hitting me. I was hitting almost every day

Lilia got up and sat in front of him: What is the reason for the sign being divided?

Is your back in two halves?

Her stomach is round

My mother died an hour after I was born, and at that time my father was unable to raise me, so he hired a nanny, who is now Naira. Two years after my mother's death, my father died. Naira was 18 years old at that time. She could not take care of me. The government took me to an orphanage. She did not Nobody liked me there...or rather, nobody liked me there, but my weakness and young age at that time made everyone enjoy hitting me. I was beaten almost every day. I got up at night and sat in front of him: What is the reason for the mark that is divided?

Is your back in two halves?

Leon's silence continued for a while

Lilia approached him and hugged him, placing his head on his chest as she played with his hair. Whatever happens to you, I am by your side. When you want to tell me, I will be here and hear you. She gave him a kiss on the forehead. Come on.

go to sleep now

Leon: Couldn't you extend your hug a little longer?

Lilia stood up and went towards the light to turn it off:

Haha no. Where will you sleep?

Leon: He laughed mockingly, took out the quilt and laid his head down

On top of the pillow

Lilia: Are you going to sleep here??!

Leon: Excuse me? You are in my room. Lilia sighed and moved towards the bed to sleep next to it as well

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