Chapter 9-Jealous

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tomorrow morning:

Lilia woke up at night feeling a weight on her stomach... She looked right and left with difficulty until she saw him... He was sleeping on top of her stomach with his broad back covering her entire body. She gently and quietly touched the operation site... to remove it from his mouth.

Sigh signs

Oh...what happened to him?

"phone sound"

It's my phone, Hello Sarah

Sarah: Lilia, I finally heard your voice. I miss you. Are you okay?

Laila: Yes, I'm fine, and you?

Sarah: Me too. I have news for you

Lilia: What is it?

Sarah: When I was coming to you now, I went to the department, I was thinking

You are there. But you found a blonde's clearly her

Frenchwoman looking for Leon.. She's crazy. She keeps repeating, I just want

Leon, I want that lieutenant... funny thing

Lilia was feeling somewhat uncomfortable: Okay, okay, I'll come

In a little while to the department, wait for me there

Sarah: Well, then I want to laugh a little, so I will talk to this woman

The girl is clearly in love with him haha

"turn off the phone"

In love with him? She was saying it with astonishment and anger. Leon woke up and found Lilia talking to herself


Leon: Why are you talking nonsense to yourself? What's the time

Lilia: She got up from the bed, pushed it off her, and said: No

Know your phone is next to you

Lilia headed towards the bathroom, leaving Leon surprised

He did it... Leon sat on the edge of the bed and extended his hand to come

His phone until he found a message from

Message: Leon, this crazy blonde has been in the department since yesterday and she has been looking for you. Hurry to the department and do a solution with her. She is very annoying and talks a lot.. I feel like a pregnant woman now.

Of which . Leon got up and headed to the bathroom, wondering: Pregnant? He hit his hand

On his forehead

When I came to the department for the first time, I was told that you were stupid, but not to this degree

Lilia was getting dressed angrily until Leon walked in on her

Leon: May I understand what's wrong with you?

Lilia did not answer him and continued brushing her hair. Leon was silent for a while

Could it be that she was upset about me sleeping on top of her?" He changed his clothes to

The lieutenant's clothes and he went down to Naira's and saw Lilia coming out

the house

Naira: She didn't eat breakfast, I think she's angry... Leon's move

He rushed in front of her to catch up with her, but he found that she had moved her car

In the department:

Sarah and Yolo were in the corner of the hall, facing each other

They discuss quietly

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