Skye gets captured for the third time.

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                                                                                  Libby's POV

It was another beautiful day in Adventure Bay, and we were all minding our own business.

While Skye was going for a walk around town, someone familiar snuck up and captured her. It was Claw.

"Claw? What are you doing here?" Skye said.

"I still want you to be my girlfriend." Claw said has he took off with Skye.

Back at the Lookout, Chase noticed Skye was missing for the 3rd time, so he had to call Sweetie.

"Sweetie, Skye has been captured by Claw for the 3rd time, we need to rescue her again," Chase panicked.

"On it Chase." Sweetie said.

Chase and Sweetie went off to find Skye, I decided to tag along again.

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