Saving Skye for the 3rd time

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                                                                                  Libby's POV

We finally got to where Claw has taken Skye. This time it was near a deep hole.

"Hey, Claw, give back Skye, this is the 3rd time you captured her." Chase snapped.

"Come near her, and I'll throw her down this deep hole and you will never see her again." Claw smirked.

Claw decided to throw Skye down the deep hole anyway.

"HELP ME!" Skye screamed.

Acting fast, Chase and Sweetie went over and threw a rope down for Skye to grab on, and they pulled her out of the hole.

At that same time, I was dealing with Claw, and Arrby showed up.

"Thanks, guys." Skye said.

Just then, Claw stepped on Chase's tail again, Skye had to pull Chase's paw again causing him to fart on Claw.

"Gross." Claw disgustingly said before passing out.

Arrby was so happy that Sweetie saved Skye, he decided to lick her. "Aw." Sweetie blushed.

After I sent Claw back to his pup house again for punishment, Chase and Sweetie were licking Skye.

"I'm glad you're ok, my baby." Chase said.

Skye licked Chase and Sweetie back as the sun set.

Claw's SchemeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz