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Door was infront of me and behind it, her parents. I was planning every move in my mind which I gonna do when the door will open. With eyes closed I was about to open the door when my eyes shoot open widely and a wave of panic left my body. HOW I'M GONNA GREET THEM? . They are Indians, I don't fucking know their greetings except namste. And again how to do a namste? I mean with which tone, pitch, loudness, gesture, posture, facial features....FUCK I screamed in my mind.

Yn, the only name came to my mind. I opened the contacts and clicked on a heart shaped emoji. Within few rings she picked up, without any delay I spoke " What should I do? ", with panic in my voice and by her reply I could sense she detected it.

" Calm down, what happend? " she asked.

"I am before the door of our house. I don't know how to greet? what should I do. Tell me otherwise I will not enter" I exclaimed with a small threat as I knew she will ask me my whereabouts first due to my tone. "Tell me a perfect and best greetings with every detail possible"

I heard a sigh from other end following her voice, "First enter, have a smile on your face, go towards them, bend and touch their feet, and say pranaam papa ji then next do the same to mumma with pranaam mummy ji- " I didn't let her finish when I tried to speak "Pra-naam right?"

"Yes, but it'd be best if you would be yourself" she spoke but I ignored her words because It's her father not mine and remember the impression thing, I cannot take anymore risks.

With a thankyou I ended the phone call. Before repeating pranaam for almost 20 to 25 time I took a deeeeep breath and decided to open the door and holded the door handle.

I slide the door open slowly. Three pairs of eyes shifted to my face, from which two of those were soft with non-harming gaze and I smiled a bit looking at them but my smile vanished when my eyes shifted to THOSE pairs of eyes which were totally striking towards me with strict gaze looking totally harming making me gulp.

Then Yn was the name came to my mind and I immediately looked at her, as she guessed my fully nervous blank face, she stood up defending me and spoke looking at her father "He is taehyung, my husband" .Turning towards me, she nodded with a slight smile, that smile after so many days gave me confidence to a much extend. I took a deep breath and turned towards him, still with nervousness but with a smile.

I moved my legs towards the sofa on which they were sitting. As I reached close I first came towards mom, apposite to the plan, and bent touching her feet saying 'Pranaam mummy ji' to which I felt her hand on my head with some words coming out of her mouth happily, which I could sense from her tone.

Then I lift myself up and looked at HER FATHER.

I don't know why at that point of time, in front of his that strict, plane face and intimidating eyes, my smile left again from my face. After a strong try I somehow get my smile back which was visibly nervousfull. I came to his front and bent suddenly not able to maintain eye contact with him. As I reached my hand a little bit shaking, I forgot what to do next. I tried hard and it took me a couple of second to remember. As I remembered I suddenly spoke "Pra- Pramaan papa ji" a bit sluttering

I heard a small hmmm in reply in a rough-manly voice.

Without wasting a second I lifted myself up and looked towards Yn, who was holding a glass of water, having a little scrunched eyebrows looking a bit worried but then she turned it into smile extending her arms, offering me water.

I gave it a thought but my eyes widened when it hit my head. FUCK, I SAID THE GREETING WRONG. Without accepting the glass, I turned towards the stairs with hurried steps, saying "I am going to change"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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