I didn't need to see it...

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~Sinda is in her office, when she looks at the clock and sees that it's time for lunch, so she takes her lunch box and goes to the cafeteria, the person she hates the most is there...~

-Hello Sinda!

-Hello Noodle-Sinda says with a disgusted face

-Do you need anything or can I go to lunch? -Sinda says

-You know, I really want to tell you something, look, I don't like it at all that you're clinging to my boyfriend, Wonka, as if he were yours! You're not pretty and he'll never like you -Says Noodle

-First of all, he doesn't date you, according to who said you're beautiful too? You're fucking ugly -Says Sinda

-But ignore it, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to eat, because unlike you, I work. -Sinda says, walking away

~This girl makes me so angry that sometimes I want to go after her and beat her until she bleeds...~

~As Noodle is stubborn, she didn't give up, and went to approach Sinda again, but kept asking her questions that made her uncomfortable~

-Sinda? Look, is your hair... like... you know, natural or do you dye it? -Says Noodle

-Hm... Is natural? I thought you knew -Sinda says

-And I saw that you also have that scar on your face -Says Noodle-

-So? -Sinda says

-Why do you have it? Who did this to you? How did she appear? -Says Noodle

-I've had the scar since I was little...I was simply riding a horse and fell... -Says Sinda

-Eww, do you like horses? -Says Noodle

-Do I like them?.. -Says Sinda

~Sinda couldn't take it anymore, she was getting nervous and uncomfortable and so she left, but then she finally picked up her cell phone and saw Lisa's 5 missed calls...~

-ugh, shit, she called and I didn't see it -Says Sinda

~Sinda didn't do anything other than answer~

-What happened, bitch? You're boring -Sinda says


-SO WHAT DO YOU WANT???? -Sinda says

-Do you want to come shopping with me? -Says Lisa

-Can we buy sweets? -Sinda says

-We can, now come on, I'm waiting outside!!!! -Says Lisa

~Sinda ran out and found Lisa smoking outside~

-Smoking again? Seriously? - Says Sinda

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-Smoking again? Seriously? - Says Sinda

-Yes? Some problem? Come on- Says Lisa

-Let's go -Sinda says, running into the car

~And they hit the road, singing and laughing, they had never been so united and happy~

~Hours passed and they arrived home, and of course Sinda was eating the gummies she had bought~

-Sinda, you're going to gain even more weight -Says Lisa

-I'm not fat!!!!!!! -Sinda says

-Okay then, if you think so -Lisa says, walking away

~Sinda decided to go to her room to eat, but as she passed through the hallway she heard moans coming from the guest room where Triz was, and stopped and put her ear to the door~

(Triz herself writing)~It was actually Triz, I didn't know that pregnant women also had sex. I wonder if it hurts but... hmm... I'm going to get out of here... it's their time~

~I'm not going to talk about this with her, she'll be embarrassed, I don't want to project the relationship they have is so good. It's so good that it's normal for there to be sex~

~But who am I going to vent to, with Triz, I can't, much less with Tiago and with Lisa I'm upset and now... ~

................/To be continued/..............

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