The Adoption

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~It was really happening, Triz was finally going to be a mother, everyone was looking forward to her arrival, and I, well, I was at work, but I still bothered Wonka about it~

-Love! Triz is coming today! Triz is coming today! -Sinda said

-Princess, I know you've been repeating this all week! -He said, letting out a laugh.

-Sorry...I'm just super excited to see the babies!!! -She said

-If you're so excited for Triz's babies, why don't we make our own? -He said

-Maybe later, now Lisa is waiting for me so we can go to the hospital to see Triz -She said

-It's okay princess, be careful, oh and it's good to see you and Lisa good with each other again -He said pulling her for a kiss

-I'm happy about that too, but go, I have to go -She said, leaving

~I arrived at the hospital and went close to the reception to find out where Triz was~

(Triz herself writing)-Triz how are you, the babies are so beautiful- Sinda says, super happy

-I'm recovering well and the babies... - Says Triz who is interrupted by Sinda

-And what names do I want to know? You can't even imagine how happy I am to see you well, it's just that in many cases the woman... - Says Sinda, curious

-Don't say that - Lisa says

-Shut up, I want the babies for myself - Sinda says

- No, babies are not for me, they are so cute! - Lisa says super excited

~After a long discussion, the babies stayed with Triz and Tiago of course and Lisa and I went home~

~A few days later Triz came home with her babies and her husband of course~

(Triz stopped writing)

~I'm happy to finally be able to be with my best friend and her children, yes they are two boys and no, they won't know their names~________________________

~Months later~

-And...welcome to the family officially Sarah! -Wonka said

-Thank you Wonka!, thank you Sinda!-Said Sarah

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-Thank you Wonka!, thank you Sinda!-Said Sarah

-Don't be afraid, you can call us father and mother -Sinda said

~Well, for those who are lost, before Wonka and I adopted Sarah, I was pregnant, but it didn't go very well and I had an instant miscarriage, and Wonka wanted to surprise me and took me to the adoption center ! And finally after weeks we were able to officially adopt Sarah!~

~I can't say more! I'm happy that we are now a united family! But certain events happened too!💗👀~

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