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Sana was still looking for Tzuyu, she had searched all over school but couldn't find her anywhere, which is why now she is in the bathroom, the only place she hadn't checked yet. The stall doors were all open except one, Sana decides to wait outside, she is sure that Tzuyu was in there because during lunch time no one usually occupies the bathrooms since they are too busy eating and talking

After several minutes in which Sana was waiting outside no one decides to come out from the stall. The girl begins to get impatient so she chooses to enter without even knocking, in front of her she finds Tzuyu standing leaning against wall of that dirty bathroom, previously she had her eyes on on her phone but now they are aimed at Sana.

Tzuyu's penetrating and neutral gaze makes the Japanese girl uncomfortable but she still gathers courage to speak but as soon as she opens her mouth to say something she is immediately interrupted by Tzuyu

"Didn't you see that the door was closed?" Sana doesn't respond, Tzuyu uses too abrupt tone towards her and this makes her lose words "I seriously wonder if you have problems" says Tzuyu leaving Sana to be struck like lightning by those words

The Japanese girl without realizing it starts to cry but having her face lowered and silently sobbing Tzuyu didn't notice, Sana's trembling body speaks louder than words

Tzuyu grabs her chin and gently lifts it. Their eyes meet again and Tzuyu realizes what caused her words.

"Hey, don't cry, I'm sorry I shouldn't have exaggerated like that" Tzuyu holds tight her arms around Sana's tiny body, this gesture makes Sana's eyes widen and her heart starting beat faster, Tzuyu has never hugged her since the day she saved her, maybe this is why Sana feels strange but what she doesn't know is that the tall girl feels exactly the same things as the Japanese girl, but in a different way

Tzuyu promised herself to repress these feelings for this girl because her parents would never have accepted her relationship with Sana, she is now part of the family and therefore they will never be able to be together. How can she expect to forget what she feels for that girl if Sana always shows her affection or care about?

Sana and Tzuyu's relationship is very different from Sana and Dahyun's. Sana feels more than comfortable with Dahyun, they joke together, talking all time, have secrets. Since they sharing room they spent more time together.

With Tzuyu however it was different, when Tzuyu was near to Sana she ignored her, avoiding any type of physical or visual contact, when the three girls were in the same room they could feel the tension between Sana and Tzuyu, since both become quiet and avoiding each other. Which is why Dahyun has stopped inviting her sister to whatever game or party she and Sana invent. She wants Sana to feel at ease and she knows perfectly well that Tzuyu's neutral and cold gaze doesn't make her feel comfortable, and then she wasn't completely her fault why Tzuyu doesn't stay with them anymore. Tzuyu moved away from Dahyun because she couldn't stay a few meters away from Sana, the desire to want to touch her becomes very strong which is why she has to distance herself from her, but now that they are both in that bathroom with Sana crying she feels a strong desire to stay by her side and console her, also because in the end if she cries it's only her fault

Sana is now sitting on the heater of that bathroom with her eyes and cheeks swollen due to crying, Tzuyu approaches one of the sinks and slightly wets a handkerchief, then approaches Sana, placing herself between Sana's legs and putting the handkerchief down on her cheeks to cool them, Sana smiles at Tzuyu's sweet gesture

God, that smile is the same one she gave me when she looked at me in those days, it's the smile that made me fall in love with her. No matter how much I try to ignore or avoid her I will never stop loving her

"You feel better?" Tzuyu asks still with her cold tone as she continues to dab Sana's cheeks with handkerchief, the girl doesn't respond instead she grabs Tzuyu's hand stopping her movements

"How do you feel about me, Tzu?" the nickname Sana gave Tzuyu makes her heart skip a beat

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you often seem to hate being with me or being alone with me and then you never speak to me, but now it seems different, you even hugged me a few minutes ago" Tzuyu seems to be realizing what she's just does with Sana's words, that's why she's stepping back from the girl

"Don't move away from me, please" the blonde climbs down from heater, closing distance between her and the tall girl again

"Tell me Tzuyu, be honest, why did you save me?" no response "At least tell me why you were always looking at me" there were moments of silence before Tzuyu breathed heavily and speaking

"I was curious about you. I saw that your parents ignored you, that your father scolded you, I noticed that you were always alone and I wanted to get close to you to cheer you up, because I saw that you were always sad, that your life didn't satisfy you... " Tzuyu seems to leave the sentence hanging and this intrigued Sana

"And...?" the Japanese girl continues, encouraging the other one to speak

"That's all" Tzuyu replies, shrugging

"That's not true Tzuyu, you wanted to add something but you held back. Why do you keep behaving like this? Why do you keep..." Sana is abruptly stopped by Tzuyu's words

"I was attracted to you!" the girl shouts, Sana was stunned, remaining with her gaze fixed on Tzuyu's "I was attracted to you, that's why i always looking at you"

"You were?" asks the confused girl

"Why do you fucking care!" With that said Tzuyu leaves the bathroom. Tzuyu has never cursed at her this was the first time

At the end of all the lessons the three girls were supposed to go home together, but Dahyun left them for her friends again, so Sana had to go home alone because Tzuyu seemed to have already returned, as after their conversation in the bathroom she no longer showed up for lessons

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